Teachers have once again been busy preparing home learning packs for the remainder of this half term. The overview letters will be available electronically on the school website from the evening of Friday 1st May (find under “Covid-19 information” – Home learning Summer term weeks 3-5). As before, we have also produced paper based packs, which include additional resources to accompany the letters.
To enable you to pick these up, whilst facilitating social distancing rules, we will put them out at the school gates for collection over the first three days of next week, arranged by surname. That way, as you take part in your daily walk, you can collect the packs for all your children on one journey. These will be available from 9.30am to 2.45pm as follows:
Monday 4th May – surnames A to G inclusive
Tuesday 5th May – surnames H to N inclusive
Wednesday 6th May – surnames O to Z inclusive
Any parents who have any difficulty with these arrangements or need support with printing out any work online, please let the office know and we will do our best to help.
Please note:
- Packs previously issued for Years 5 and 6 cover the entire half term, so there will be no new packs issued this week.
- Please do not return work from the completed packs you received previously. As you may be aware the virus can live and be transferred on paper. Teachers however, may have specified that some work (projects etc) be sent in via email, in which case we look forward to receiving these and putting them on class blogs.