26 Feb

Measuring in metres

This week, we have been using rulers to measure. We have centimetre rulers and metre rulers. Here we are finding objects taller/longer or shorter than a metre. We have also measured the school hall and found out that it’s 15m long!

7 Feb

Julian Opie style portraits

This afternoon, we have been looking at the portrait work by the British artist Julian Opie (you might remember his artwork on the Best of Blur album). We used photographs to trace our faces with simple features onto plastic wallets. They are displayed on our classroom windows.

31 Jan

Using colour in our portraits like Picasso

This afternoon, we have been inspired by Pablo Picasso to show feeling in our portraits. We have used warm and cool colours to show happiness or sadness.

17 Jan

Sketching techniques

In our art lesson this week, we were trying out different sketching techniques to help when we start sketching our self portraits next week.

7 Jan

Making animations

This afternoon, we were learning about animations and how they still pictures played quickly. We used the app Pivot animator to make simple animations of a stick man.

27 Nov

Cutting skills for our DT project

This morning, we were practising our cutting skills. We are going to be designing and making a decoration so we will need to be masters with our scissors!


5 Nov

Fire safety

This afternoon, a fireman from Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service came in to talk to us about fire safety at home. 

We learned to stop, drop and roll if our clothes were on fire (as demonstrated by Wilf in the pictures below!).

We learned about smoke alarms and escape plans if a fire were…

4 Nov

A walk around Scotforth

This morning, we went for a walk around Scotforth to help us with our English and geography work over the next couple of weeks. 

18 Oct

Great Fire of London fact files and artwork

We had an incredibly busy day today as we were finishing our Great Fire of London fact files for display and creating 3D pictures of famous building that were destroyed during the Great Fire.

25 Sep

Estimating numbers on a numberline

This morning, we were estimating where numbers went on a blank number line to 100.

25 Sep

The Great Fire of London chronology

Today, we were learning about the events of the Great Fire of London from when it started to when it ended. We made a big timeline in class and then made our own small versions.

11 Sep

Norman nouns in Year 2

This morning, we were learning about nouns. We labelled as many nouns as we could!