Y4 World Book Day
Today, we have celebrated World Book Day and we have had so much fun. Our costumes looked amazing! We have taken part in an online workshop led by the author-illustrator Thiago de Moraes who has written the book Mighty Myths. We were taught how to draw creatures that could feature in his book. We…

Year 6 take World Book Day to Ashton Manor
Year 6 began their World Book Day celebrations with a return visit to Ashton Manor residential care home. We enjoyed an afternoon of sharing some of our favourite books with the residents, chatting about books they enjoyed reading as children and they even helped us with a book character quiz.

Investigating time zones
This afternoon in geography, Year 6 have been learning about time zones and how they relate to the lines of longitude (including the prime meridian which runs through Greenwich in London). We found out what time it is now in other parts of the world and enjoyed looking at live webcams to see what…

Dinosaur eggs have appeared in our classroom.
We could not believe it. We arrived to school and there was huge footprints and a dinosaur egg in our classroom.

Experimenting with Garage Band
This afternoon, Year 6 had their first taste of “Garage Band”, a music composing app which we have on our iPads. We had great fun experimenting with the sounds and rhythm patterns!

Understanding gravity
Today, we have learnt about Sir Isaac Newton and how he invented gravity. We used the Newton meters (which were named after him) to find out the mass and weight of objects and the link between the two.

Researching the countries of the Americas
Now we have finished our individual projects on the countries of North and South America, we have spent some time reading each other’s projects. We looked out for the most interesting or surprising physical and human geography facts. We certainly learnt a lot from each other this afternoon!

Measuring in metres
This week, we have been using rulers to measure. We have centimetre rulers and metre rulers. Here we are finding objects taller/longer or shorter than a metre. We have also measured the school hall and found out that it’s 15m long!

“The Americas” projects
Year 6 are currently working on individual projects. Each member of the class has taken responsibility for a different country from North or South America. Once our projects are finished, we will look at each others to learn some key human and physical geography facts about each country.
Y3/4 Intra sports
Today, we have taken part in our Y3/4 Intra sports. We played bench ball and had to work as a team to score points. We used tactics and spatial awareness to outwit our opponents.

Water workshop
This afternoon we were visited by Louise, who came to talk to us about water. We learnt about the water cycle, how we use water in our homes and what United Utilities do to make sure we have a constant supply of clean water to use. We also learnt how they treat our dirty water before it goes back…

Exploring magnets in Year 3
We have been learning about magnetism in science and today we tested the strength of different sized and different shaped magnets. We predicted which magnets would be strongest and measured their strength by counting how many objects were attracted to them.