Following a transition period in the Summer term 2022, we have now moved fully to our active uniform.
The active school uniform is smart, simple, readily available and reasonable in price. We hope it will instil in our children a pride in themselves and in their school as well as allowing the children to be as active as possible. The basic colour is bottle green sweatshirt/cardigan, white or green polo shirt, with black or dark grey jogging bottoms, leggings or skorts (no logos or stripes). Plain black trainers should be worn.
Uniform consists of:
School jumper with logo (available from Uniform shop in Lancaster) or a jumper of the same style and colour
School zipped top (available from Uniform shop in Lancaster) or a buttoned/zipped cardigan of the same colour – see right
White or green polo shirt
Black or dark grey (charcoal) active leggings/jogging bottoms/tracksuit bottoms – plain and no obvious logo
Black or dark grey (charcoal) shorts/skorts – plain, no obvious logo and a decent length (no hot pants or equivalent)
Plain black, dark grey or white socks (ankle or knee length)
Plain black trainers (if laced, pleased ensure your child can fasten these themselves)
School fleeces, reversible coats and book bags are also available from the Uniform shop.
Because we will be wearing trainers for outdoor PE and bare feet for indoor PE, tights will not be suitable with this new active uniform.
Your class teacher may ask you to provide a pair of black shorts/skort, if your child does not choose to wear them anyway, when the class are due to use gymnastics apparatus – for safety reasons. No extra PE kit will be needed.
For safety reasons, children are not allowed to wear any jewellery in school. Rings, earrings, bracelets and necklaces are all forbidden. (If a child is to have pierced ears, please do this at the start of the Summer holidays so that earrings may be removed prior to the start of term.) Any child wearing earrings will not be able to take part in PE/games or swimming. This is for safety reasons. Sensible watches are permitted. Long hair should be tied back.
Supplier of uniform with logo
Uniform and Leisurewear,
57 King Street, Lancaster (opposite M & S )
telephone number 01524 388355 or visit the website
Alternatively many local shops/ supermarkets sell the basic uniform.
Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly marked with the child’s name, in order that mislaid items may be identified and returned.
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