People Who Help Us
We really enjoyed Emily coming in today to tell us how she helps people in her job. We explored all the different emotions and helped animals along the way. Thank you, Emily
A Snowy Break Time!
We had a lovely break time today playing in the snow. We made snowballs, snow angels, snow men and lots of other creative ideas!
We could barely hold our excitement when we saw the snow falling outside so you can imagine what we were like when we were finally outside!

Investigating properties of Materials
We investigated the different properties of materials. We looked to see if they were bendy, waterproof or transparent.

Bossy Verb Hunt
We enjoyed exploring the classroom for bossy verbs, these were spotted through our instructions.

Special Toy Day
At the start of our toy topic, we brought toys that were special to us. We looked at their materials and everyone told us why they were special to them.

Building a Sukkah
Today we learned about how Jewish people celebrate harvest. They build Sukkahs - temporary huts in which Jews may eat, sleep or spend time in during their week long festival of Sukkot. We tried building our own and made sure that there was a way that the stars and sky could be seen.

Y1 Taste Testing RE
We did some food tasting with fruits and vegetables that had been brought in. We spoke about how harvest is different all around the world and The Bible tells us we should show our love through sharing, and that is how we have all these foods from around the world. We also discussed whether we…

Y1 Taste Testing
We really enjoyed discussing which foods we should eat and shouldn’t eat as part of our ‘Brilliant Bodies, Brilliant Brains’ topic. We used our sense of ‘taste’ to try the delicious fruits and vegetables that the children brought in. We even had some avocados fresh from Nigeria !
We enjoyed…

Y1 Greater Than and Less Than
We were investigating greater and less than numbers using lots of maths resources.