Beginning to Measure in Y1
We went around the classroom and outside the classroom to measure objects using non standard units. We used cubes to measure !

Y1/2 Spirituality Session
Y1 and Y2 enjoyed their Spirituality Session today. We explored the theme of ‘friendship’, Jesus and the disciples through our activities and had time to reflect on the afternoon with the children. They had some amazing ideas!

Locating our School on a Map
Today in geography, we used Google earth to locate Scotforth St Paul’s School all the way from space. We then had a walk around school and identified things we could see on the map including the crossing outside school, shops, our playgrounds and the car park. We also spoke about our compass…

Y1 and Y5 Book Quiz
We enjoyed the book character quiz around the school. Thank you Year 5’s who helped us too!

Y1 and Y5 World Book Day
Thank you to Year 5 for sharing books with us. We enjoyed listening to stories that you read.

Y1 Gymnastic Sequences
Today we have enjoyed putting our skills that we have learnt, into our sequences on the big equipment.

Y1 DT Bread Making
Today we really enjoyed making our own bread. We looked at the skills of mixing the dough and then kneading it. We are impressed with how they turned out !

Y1 comparing numbers
We enjoyed comparing numbers numbers to 20 with different resources today.

DT- looking at different bread textures
After reading The Little Red Hen, we looked at different types of bread. We looked at the texture, the colour and what we thought about each one.