Our final home learning packs for the last two weeks of the term will be available to collect on Monday 6th July (surnames A-L inclusive) and Tuesday 7th July (surnames M-Z inclusive). They can be picked up from the front of school as usual between 9.30am and 4pm. There will be no packs for children who are attending school full-time. If your child is part-time, they will be given a pack for home on the first day they are in school. If they are only in later in the week however, we would suggest collection on the allocated day so that they can get started on their work.
As usual, electronic versions of the letters, with instructions and links, will be available on the Covid-19 section of the website on Sunday evening. We will also be continuing to email out electronic versions of the LPDS literacy planning and the White Rose maths answer sheets to accompany the worksheets provided in your paper packs.
Any parents who have any difficulty with these arrangements or need support with printing out any work online, please let the office know and we will do our best to help.
Please note: Please do not return work from the completed packs you received previously. As you may be aware the virus can live and be transferred on paper. Teachers however, may have specified that some work (projects etc) be sent in via email, in which case we look forward to receiving these.
Thank you for all your support.