Researching about plants
We have begun researching facts to use in our non-fiction book. We went to the school library to find non-fiction books and found the information section. We have looked at the features and found exciting information.
We also used the iPads to research about plants.

Joseph and his Coat of Many Colours
In RE we’ve been reading about Joseph. We had a go at creating our own coats of many colours. We had colours, patterns and lots of creative designs.

Making Equal Groups Y1
We made equal groups and made a repeated addition number sentence to work out the answer.

Beginning to Measure in Y1
We went around the classroom and outside the classroom to measure objects using non standard units. We used cubes to measure !

Y1/2 Spirituality Session
Y1 and Y2 enjoyed their Spirituality Session today. We explored the theme of ‘friendship’, Jesus and the disciples through our activities and had time to reflect on the afternoon with the children. They had some amazing ideas!

Y3/4 Football
Well done to the Y3/4 football team who represented the school well in the local tournament.

Morecambe FC Visit
Today we were lucky enough to get a visit from 3 first team Morecambe FC players. We asked them questions about their lives and their footballing careers, their favourite players and what they had enjoyed most about school. We even queued up and got their autographs!

Locating our School on a Map
Today in geography, we used Google earth to locate Scotforth St Paul’s School all the way from space. We then had a walk around school and identified things we could see on the map including the crossing outside school, shops, our playgrounds and the car park. We also spoke about our compass…

Biggest Girls’ Football Day
It was great to see so many girls wanting to play football. ⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️ Anya who plays for Morecambe Ladies also came down.