Wheelchair basketball
We had a taster session of wheelchair basketball this afternoon which was great fun!

Wet Walk to Williamson Park
This morning, Year 3 walked to Williamson Park. It was very rainy but we persevered with the walk and made it. When we got there, we had a talk in The Butterfly House, learning about the rainforest habitat. We then got to handle a hissing cockroach, stroke a bearded dragon and have a skink sit on…

This afternoon, we were trying to work out how the pneumatics worked in a moving toy that Mr Manning showed us.

Dorrington Woods compared with a rainforest
This morning, we walked around Dorrington Wood so that we could compare it to the rainforests we will be learning about this half term.
We looked around for things we didn’t think we’d see in a rainforest.

Tints and shades
Today, we were learning how to create tints and shades for our painting work. We then used them to recreate a painting by Georgia O’Keefe.

Observational leaf drawing
This afternoon, Year 3 were practising their observational drawing skills. We were sketching leaves with as much detail as possible.

Snozzcumber packaging
Today, Year 3 were designing packaging for the snozzcumber from BFG to make them more appealing.

Reflection investigation
Which materials reflect light the best? Year 3 investigated this today. We found that shinier materials and white materials were better at reflecting light and that black was very bad for reflection.

Book day in Year 3
Today was Scotforth’s book day which was based around the story The Day the Crayons Quit. We wrote a letter to the beige crayon to cheer it up and we made some animations using Scratch.