11 Jun

Year 3 light source search

This afternoon, Year 3 were searching for light sources around school. We looked in our classroom, the creative room, the hall and the computer suite. We found out the computer suite had the most light sources despite it being the smallest room we searched. We made tallies of the light sources and…

21 May

Steady On, Year 6!

We have combined our newly-acquired Scientific knowledge with our D&T skills, alongside a dash of creativity and produced our very own, fully-functioning steady-hand games this afternoon! We had a fantastic afternoon, showing off and applying all of our new Electrical Circuits learning from the…

13 Nov

Children in Need yoga session

This afternoon, Year 3 were practicing their yoga poses to stretch their bodies and relax their minds. Can you spot the cat pose, kite pose and bee pose? 

13 Nov

Children in Need yoga session

This afternoon, Year 3 were practicing their yoga poses to stretch their bodies and relax their minds. Can you spot the cat pose, kite pose and bee pose? 

10 Nov

Remembrance Day 2020

Year 6 have been working hard throughout the Autumn term when learning about World War 1 In History sessions. To tie into this learning, we have started the new term by focusing on WW1 poetry in Literacy. We have read For the Fallen by Laurence Binyon, and looked carefully at its meaning and how…

17 Jul

New Starters

24 Apr

Your favourite SPaG game is back Year 3!

Are you ready to play the game?

You need to think of:

3 adverbs beginning with n;

3 verbs beginning with e;


3 adjectives beginning with c.

Need a reminder of what these types of words are? Click here

31 Mar


Bonjour Year 3!

How many questions can you come up with that have the answer 25? Try to make your questions different using addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. Can you use more than one in the same question?

À bientôt


25 Feb


This afternoon, we began our Rainforests topic and to begin, we had to find out the meanings of these words. We had to use dictionaries and some detective skills to match these words to their meanings. Do you know the meaning of any of these words? Check the photo gallery below to see if you are…

17 May

Lune Aqueduct Trip

This week, Year 5 went to Lune aqueduct. We learnt more about its history and also went pond dipping. We finished the trip with a McFlurry (a highlight for some of us!).



7 May

Lancaster Canal history

This morning, Katie, from Canal and River Trust, came into Year 5 to teach us about how and why Lancaster Canal was built. We helped to make a model version of Lancaster Canal. Jessica was the engineer who designed the canal. Bobby, Daniel P and Sophie were the navvies that dug out the canal. Meme…

5 Feb

Online Safety Day

Today was National Internet Safety Day and Year 5 worked on a special project this year. We split into groups to plan and deliver a lesson to other classes in school about different aspects of Online Safety that were appropriate for the year group. The children took it very seriously and worked…