NISCU puppet Worship
Sarah led the NISCU puppet Worship on Monday afternoon. They told us about Emmanuel - God with us and sang some great songs. Thank you NISCU.

Worship Team delivering the Harvest donations
The Worship Team helped deliver the donations from our Harvest Festival today with Dr Long. They took some food to Father’s House, Skerton and found out about how the church help those in need. They then went to drop donations at The Olive Branch and found out how food parcels are made up and…
Lego Club
Tuesday afternoon is Lego Club for Year 1 and Year 2. Take a look at their amazing creations.

Lockerbie update
There were a few tired children this morning over breakfast after a busy day yesterday, but they soon livened up once they got started on more activities. Miss Huddleston told me that the children are all behaving brilliantly and supporting each other to overcome their own personal challenges. It…

A message from Miss Huddleston from Lockerbie
Everyone slept well and had a good breakfast. The sun is shining for the first activities of the day.
Miss Huddleston will be busy during the day supervising the activities and joining in. She will mainly blog in the evening once the children are settled in bed, so watch out for lots of…
They have arrived!! The Year 6s are all ready for a week of teamwork, excitement, adventurous activities and lots of sleep (so Miss Huddleston hopes!!). More photos to come throughout the week.
Rock Kidz visit
What a day! The children have had an experience I'm not sure they will ever forget! Rock Kidz helped us think about how amazing we all are because we are all different. YASBA - You're Awesome So Be Awesome!
Forest Schools
This morning, the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children went to the school field and Dorrington Woods. In their house teams they completed four different activities (3 completely in the shade - thank goodness) including a Forest School activity with Mrs Walsh. They collected lots of natural items…
Girls' Football
The girls attended their very first football tournament on Thursday afternoon. They did incredibly well and worked together as a team brilliantly. They showed endurance and enthusiasm and I was very proud of them all. Six teams took part and we came 4th - well done girls, I think we may have some…
Key Stage Two Sports Day
We had lots of fun at the Key Stage Two Sports Day. Have a look at all our action shots!