Viking Longships
We explored the different features of a Viking longship before creating our own using paper and straws.

Anglo Saxon Protection
We finished the morning learning how the Anglo Saxons used spears to protect themselves.

A very big thank you to Mr Weston and Mr Brown for joining us in R.E. today. They came to talk to us about how Christians believe that Easter is a celebration of Victory. They even attempted to create new life. They were of course unsuccessful but it was a great way to reinforce that only God…

Viking Research and Presentation
In History, Y5 have now moved on to learn about the Vikings. Our challenge this week was to work in teams to research one particular aspect of Viking life and then present everything we had learnt to the rest of the class. Here we are sharing our posters.

Y5 Circuit Training
In P.E. this half term we are working on improving our fitness. Here we are completing seven different activities in our circuit training session.

We also investigated pulleys. Here we are testing the idea that pulleys can be used to lift larger loads using less force.

Today we investigated levers. We learnt that levers can be used to lift larger, heavier loads using a much smaller force. Here we are investigating the significance of the pivot point. We made the heavier objects rise on our ‘ruler balances’ proving that a small force can indeed lift a larger…

Y3 Super Speedy Maths
Y3 are working very hard towards their Super Speedy Maths target this week. They are practising recall of all single digit number addition and subtraction facts. The aim is to know these facts by heart.

Water Resistance
This week we are looking at the concept of water resistance. Here we are investigating whether or not more streamlined shapes drop through the water more quickly.

NISCU visit
A very big thank you to Debbie Green for coming in to school this afternoon to help us with our learning about the Bible. Never before have we ever seen such a large bible!

Nigeria fact finding
We played a game this afternoon to help us to learn more about the African country, Nigeria.