Year 4 RE
Year 4 have been writing their own prayers. Some were about praising God, some were thanking Him and others were saying sorry. We thought about God’s beautiful world and how we should take care of it. We have tied them to the fence so lots of children can read them.

Year 4 RE
Year 4 have just finished their RE unit called Faith in Art. We have looked at works of art by a variety of artists depicting stories from the Bible. We finished the unit, by creating a whole class picture representing Mark Wiggin’s oil painting, Shepherd’s Delight. Each child created their own…

Year 4 Orienteering
Today, Year 4 completed their first orienteering lesson. The children learnt how to hold the map correctly in line with the course and how to follow a short path between markers. Each marker had a score and these needed to be added together to get a total. The winning team who were both accurate…

Year 4 tortoise visit
In maths, we follow the White Rose Maths scheme. In this scheme there is a tortoise called Tiny who often gets maths problems wrong. This helps the children understand that mistakes are part of learning and that we should have a go even if we are unsure of the answer. The children were keen to see…

Year 4 Art
Last half term Year 4 looked at two different artists. Friedensreich Hundertwasser and Karla Gerard. Hundertwasser was Austrian and Karla Gerard is American. Hundertwasser was also an architect designing lots of unusual buildings in Vienna.
The children practised their drawing skills by…

Year 4 Music
Today, Year 4 started learning to play the recorder. We learnt how to hold the recorder, how to blow softly and the fingering for the notes b and a. We haven’t quite mastered blowing softly yet so we decided to make this into an outdoor lesson so it wasn’t quite so loud. We have managed to learn a…

Partitioning decimals
Year 4 have been flexibly partitioning decimals. We have been doing this in a very practical way using place value counters. We had to come up with 5 different ways to partition each decimal.

Year 4 Art
Year 4 have started a new Art topic comparing two artists, Friedensreich Hundertwasser and Karla Gerard. We have learnt about their two different styles of work. We have practised our drawing skills creating houses and have learnt how to draw them as though they are 3D.
Year 4 Artwork
Year 4 have been studying the work of the Spanish artist and architect Antoni Gaudi. We have looked at examples of his work from Barcelona and have completed line drawings in his fluid style. Gaudi works in a trencardis style where he uses broken ceramic tiles to make his sculptures. We have made…

Factor bugs
In Maths, Year 4 have been learning about factor pairs. We have made some colourful factor bugs to help us remember the pairs. These are on our Maths working wall so we can use them to solve more complicated multiplication calculations.

Y4 Moving Pictures
During the last half term, Year 4 have been practising skills to make pictures move. Over the last two days, they have put these skills to good use making a Christmas themed pop up picture.

Year 4 Prayers
In their RE lesson, Year 4 went outside to appreciate God’s wonderful world. We thought about what we were grateful and thankful for. Next, we wrote some prayers to God. Once they were laminated, we hung them on the railings for other children to share.