Year 5 Poppy Art
Take a look at our beautiful poppies. We created them using watercolours, collage, paint and pattern. The poppies will be displayed in Marketgate Shopping in the coming weeks, so keep your eyes open and see if you can spot our art around town.

Big Bible Lesson
Today Debbie from NISCU came in carrying a rather large item - her big (massive!) Bible. We learnt that the Bible says it is like a mirror, a map, and even a time machine! We also heard that is full of exciting stories, poems and even letters. We played a Bible version of Guess Who and we’re…

Year 5 Science Outdoor Learning
Today we went into Dorrington Woods to use natural materials to create a floating raft that would carry pennies without sinking.
We talked about what might float or sink and why first. Then working in small groups we collected natural materials and built a raft. The only thing Kate gave us was…

Investigating Bibles!
Today we looked at lots of different versions of Bibles. We were amazed at the different names they were given like The Adventure Bible and The Message. They also had very different covers. Lots of us liked the colourful ones and they reminded us of the bright colours in creation. Some of the…

Getting to know our Reception buddies
Today we helped our Reception buddies to ice and decorate a biscuit. After we had finished our decorating we were allowed to eat our creative masterpieces in the playground.
It has been lovely to get to know our new friends and we are looking forward to meeting up again very soon.

Year 2 investigate their senses
Today in Year 2 we have been using our senses and talking about the body parts linked to each sense. We tasted different foods, tried to guess what was in each smell pot, listened to some sounds and tried to identify them and built Lego towers while blindfolded.

Starting the year with TEAMWORK!
It was great to see everyone back together in school today. We started the year thinking about the importance of working together as a team. We worked on lots of different outdoor challenges together and found out the importance of listening, communicating, being creative, making mistakes and…

Water Work in the Sun
We took advantage of the VERY hot weather today and decided to work with water! We weren’t just playing though - we were estimating and measuring the capacity of different containers. We even converted between litres and pints. Water work was definitely a hit!

Year 5 investigate pulse rate
Today in Science we have been learning how to find and count our pulse rate in 4 different places on our body.
We then went outside to investigate how our pulse rate changes during and straight after exercising.

Year 5 immunology
Today Dr Rigby visited us from Lancaster University. She taught us all about the flu virus and how vaccinations protect our bodies. She brought some very cute cuddly viruses which we all loved ( what a shame the real things are not as cute).
We also put on lab coats, plastic gloves and safety…

Sports Leader Training in Year 5
Today Year 5 started their training for the Sports Leader Award. We learnt how to organise small groups and play basic games. This training will continue next week.

The Human Digestive System in action
This morning in Year 5 we have recreated the journey of our breakfast through the digestive system. It was messy but fun for most of us. A few of us were a little squeamish and by the time we reached the end we couldn’t even look.