Last Lacrosse Session
This term we've really enjoyed the chance to play lacrosse, which has been a completely new sport for us all. Today was our last session and so we played a mini tournament. Mike said we had improved loads in just 5 weeks.
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NISCU visit about forgiveness
Our worship theme this half term is forgiveness and so today we were visited by Louise Mosey who told us the amazing story of forgiveness within her family. On 21st December 1988, Louise's sister-in-law was killed in the Lockerbie plane crash. When the family heard of the crash they very quickly…
Year 6 Internet Safety Session
This afternoon we were visited by PCs Dennis and Emma who talked to us about how to keep us safe on the internet.
Peace Proms Extravaganza!
Liverpool rocks! On Saturday 27th January, children from Year 5 and 6 performed with over 2000 other children at the Echo Arena, Liverpool. We were accompanied by the Cross Border Youth Orchestra, Ireland who were brilliant. We had been practising the songs (and moves!) for many weeks and had a…
1st Lacrosse Session
Today we had our first lacrosse session with Coach Mike in P.E. It proved to be very popular!
"It's hard but really, really fun!"
"That is now officially my favourite sport!"
"My best lesson this week!"
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Bible Explorers
Year 6 have enjoyed a series of lessons about the Old Testament, led by James from Bible Explorers. We have learnt about a range of Bible stories from Creation to the time just before Jesus was born, and learnt how they all fit in time order. As part of the programme, we have memorised a series of…
Internet Safety session
We have been visited today by Cyber-Safe, who have reminded us about keeping safe online. We discussed top tips for keeping safe online, including being very careful with our personal information.
Christmas Prints
After weeks of designing and printing different layers, our Christmas prints are finished! Here are some of the results...
Christmas Fair enterprise success
Well done to all the Year 6 enterprise groups, who have worked hard throughout the week to produce some excellent products to sell at last night's Christmas Fair. As a class, we made a profit of approximately £200, which is an amazing achievement. We will reveal the winning team next…
Year 5 and 6 at the Peace Proms Rehearsal, Liverpool
Year 5 and 6 had a fantastic day out in Liverpool for our first Peace Proms rehearsal. Our fantastic international conductor, Greg Beardsell, put us through our paces, focusing on both the words and actions. It was hard work but great fun and we really enjoyed driving below ground in our…
Enterprise Week
Year 6 has been transformed into Santa's workshop as we prepare products for our Christmas Fair, which will take place next Friday after school.
Christmas printing
Year 6 have been using poly-blocks top create multi-coloured Christmas prints. They have achieved some stunning results - look out for them on your Christmas cards.