Science - Year 1 Garden Walk
We went on a walk around our school to identify local flowering plants. We spotted daffodils, bluebells, crocus’ and tulips to name but a few. We also spotted some trees e.g the horse chestnut, conifer and beech. We enjoyed seeing some buds and going into our sensory garden.
Easter Egg Number Hunt
We decorated our eggs and wrote numbers to 100. We then hid them and wrote down the numbers we found. Good hunting !
Egg Decorating Entries
Just some of our brilliant entries today into our egg decorating competition. Thank you
Practising weaving
We practised our weaving skill to make our decorative Easter cards this year. They looked beautiful when we had finished.
Egg Decorating Champions
Well done to all the brilliant decorative eggs this year. Mrs Aylott had a very difficult decision choosing the best decorated egg.
Well done to our gold, silver and bronze prize winners!
Egg Rolling
We really enjoyed keeping up with our tradition of egg rolling. We all decorated our eggs and then rolled them down the ramps. The winners took home a sweet treat!
Our Year 1 Wormery
We have enjoyed looking after these worms for the last couple of weeks. We have made sure they have been fed, watered and kept in a dark place. They are amazing animals and we have enjoyed watching them.
Minibeast Hunt
We have been looking at animals this half term.We discussed what makes an insect ?
We spotted a few in our garden and then drew them, looking at the features. We made sure we put them back exactly where we found them.
World Book Day
We all enjoyed World Book Day. The costumes were fantastic and we enjoyed all the book activities throughout the day. As soon as the bell rung, we would read our books. We also had a fun World Book Day character quiz. We read and enjoyed lots of stories throughout the day.
Signs of spring
We looked at different types of flowers in our Scotforth garden. We spotted daffodils, crocus’ and bluebells too. We looked at how they started- as bulbs.