28 Mar

Year 3&4 Intrasports (Y4)

In Year 3 and 4 we celebrated the end of term with a great afternoon of intra-sports between the different coloured teams.  We played a version cricket (having been inspired by Coach Lauren earlier on this term) and there were many super catches, impressive hitting and great bowling from Mrs…

28 Mar

Y3/4 Spirituality morning

This morning in Y3 & 4 we explored the theme of “treasures. At the beginning we came up with lots of ideas linked to treasure like gold, jewels and pirates! We then did three different activities to explore the treasures we have in our lives.  We thought about different places that are special to…

22 Mar

Investigating water and air resistance

What a lot of investigating we have been doing in science this week! Our experiments were linked to water and air resistance. We made different shapes out of play dough and dropped them in water to see which travelled faster. The sausage shape created less water resistance and was the fastest…

19 Mar

Morecambe FC Visit

Today we were lucky enough to get a visit from 3 first team Morecambe FC players. We asked them questions about their lives and their footballing careers, their favourite players and what they had enjoyed most about school. We even queued up and got their autographs! 


19 Mar

Year 4 Artwork

Year 4 have been studying the work of the Spanish artist and architect Antoni Gaudi. We have looked at examples of his work from Barcelona and have completed line drawings in his fluid style. Gaudi works in a trencardis style where he uses broken ceramic tiles to make his sculptures. We have made…

15 Mar

Fun playing cricket

Today Coach Lauren came into school to teach us skills linked to cricket. We had lots of fun aiming at the wickets and practising bowling.

14 Mar

Which surfaces create more friction?

We have been investigating which surfaces create more friction by pulling a bag across a variety of surfaces and measuring the amount of force needed to pull it. 

7 Mar

Y4 World Book Day

What an exciting World Book Day we have had! Our costumes were amazing. Can you recognise any characters from the class photo? We started the day hearing all about the first books and when they were published. We then designed a footprint showing our favourite books to display in school to lead…

1 Mar

Using Newton metres

Today we have started our topic on ‘Forces’. We discussed Sir Isaac Newton and his discovery of gravity and looked at Newton metres. We used Newton metres to find out the link between mass and weight.

8 Feb

How do switches work?

We have been looking at how switches work today and discussed the importance of switches to save electricity, save money and for safety reasons. We also looked at different types of switches before making our own. 

1 Feb

Static electricity

Today, we have made our hair stand on end by creating static electricity and learning the science behind it. We rubbed balloons on our jumpers and hovered them above our hair. Using the same method, we also tried to pick up small pieces of paper from the table and tried to attract our balloon to…

26 Jan

Electricity dance

Miss Helen is teaching us dances linked to our Science topic on electricity. We have thought of different movements to make an electrical circuit dance with a partner and incorporated switches, wires and different components into our sequence.