Making 100 (How many ways?!)
We have been busy learning about ones, tens and hundreds. Today we made 100 using as many different ways as possible. We had to show that 100 was 10 groups of 10. Look how creative we were in the pictures below! Next we’re looking at 1,000…

Year 3 Graffiti Name Art 2024
We have started the year by making graffiti art based on our names! We used bright contrasting colours and a black and white patterned background to make our names pop out! The classroom is looking bright already!

Life Education (and Harold) visit Year 3
Today Steve and Harold from Life Education came to speak to us about our body and especially our brain. We learnt what an incredible part of our body it is. We learn how we can help our brain to calm down and also how we can use our brain to solve problems. We loved meeting Harold the giraffe…

Zoo trip
We had a great time at South Lakes Safari Zoo! We stroked a snake, fed the monkeys and giraffes and saw lots of other animals.

Year 2 Tabernacle
Today we looked at the story of Moses and the Tabernacle. We wrote some prayers and sat quietly sat in our own Tabernacle.

Lancaster Fire and Rescue service
This morning, Lancaster Fire and Rescue Service came to visit us. We learned about what they do and ways to be safe at home.

Crown green bowling
This afternoon, we took part in a special PE session of crown green bowling with Coach Dan. It was great fun. Lotty won the Bowl of the Day.

Goldilocks Scratch animations
This afternoon, we were using the programme Scratch to code an animation about Goldilocks.

History detectives
This afternoon, we were looking at items from the past and trying to decide which ones helped us to learn facts about Florence Nightingale when she lived so long ago.
Year 2 visit to church
Year 2 are currently looking at why the church is important to Christians. Rev Rebecca showed us round the church and explained about the different furniture, artefacts and services.

Axle making
This afternoon, we were investigating axles to make a moving vehicle with junk modelling materials.