Push and pull
This week we have been investigating toys that need a push or a pull. Today we made aeroplanes. The children all decided to use very large paper. Unfortunately the wind blew all of our aeroplanes behind us!

This week we have been talking about places we would like to visit and how we would get there. The children voted on their favourite place and wrote their name to show which they preferred. The top two places were soft play closely followed by swimming.

A sunny day!
We love our concertina doors. We can use the outdoors all through the day whatever the weather.

Growing walk
We have been looking for things that grow outdoors. We took photos of each other using the iPad.

Thank you Year 3
On World Book Day, year 3 came to read to us. We really enjoyed having an older friend to read any book we chose. The children got on so well that we have invited them back.

Dragon dancing
This week we have celebrated Chinese New Year with our friends. As part of the day we listened to different pieces of music. We chose our favourite and performed a dragon dance to it. We had to go up, down and around like the real dragon dancers.

We are real life superheroes
We have some new visitors this week. We are being real life superheroes and looking after two Guinea pigs. We will help to feed them and check they have water.

The Great British bird count
Today we took part in the national bird count. We saw two pigeons and four crows!
We used our binoculars to look up 8th the trees.

Who built the ark?
This week we have started listening to the stories Jesus would have heard when he was a little boy. We decided to make our own arks and fill them with animals. The story is really good for supporting our counting.

Special visitors
On Monday this week 2 fishes came to visit Nursery. We are going to use our super friend hands to help look after them.

This half term our topic is superheroes. The children have set up a hero small world area and made their own superheroes to have adventures in it. We shall be hearing all about superheroes both in stories and those who help us in real life.

The toe bones connected to the foot bone
After listening to the story of funny bones we had a chat about the skeleton inside us. All children could show me where there was a bone in their body and thanks to the story could find their skull. We will continue to name body parts including wrist, ankle and hips.