Children In Need Duck Race
Our duck came first!!! We were very excited to watch the medal ceremony.

Children In Need Duck Race
We all had been given a duck to take part in the Children In Need Virtual Duck Race. We logged on and we all cheered on our duck “Quackman and Bobbin”. It was very fun and tense at times, especially when it got stuck in the rapids!
Y2 Duck Race for Children in Need
Here we are cheering on our class' ducks - Vincent Quack Gogh and The Bobbin' Coach. Sadly neither of our ducks won but it was great fun watching them race!
Children in Need yoga session
This afternoon, Year 3 were practicing their yoga poses to stretch their bodies and relax their minds. Can you spot the cat pose, kite pose and bee pose?
Children in Need yoga session
This afternoon, Year 3 were practicing their yoga poses to stretch their bodies and relax their minds. Can you spot the cat pose, kite pose and bee pose?

Remembrance Day
Year 6 have been working hard throughout the Autumn term, learning about World War 1 in History sessions. To tie into this learning, we have started the new term by focusing on WW1 poetry in Literacy. We have read For the Fallen by Laurence Binyon, and looked carefully at its meaning and how it…

Making a Smoothie
We looked at a set of instructions and followed them to make a Strawberry and Banana smoothie for Mrs Aylott. Firstly, we got all the ingredients and equipment together.

Making a Smoothie
We carefully read the instructions step by step; noticing the bossy verb at the start of each instruction.
Remembrance Day 2020
Year 6 have been working hard throughout the Autumn term when learning about World War 1 In History sessions. To tie into this learning, we have started the new term by focusing on WW1 poetry in Literacy. We have read For the Fallen by Laurence Binyon, and looked carefully at its meaning and how…