Year 6 Shakespeare Production of The Tempest
On Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th July, Year 6 performed their Shakespeare production, a modern retelling of The Tempest complete with music, songs and dance (as well as acting!). We had been working very hard over the last few weeks, practising and making costumes and scenery. The show was a…
Y3 Blind Trail
Here we are practising our communication skills in P.E. Excellent listening skills are also an essential part of this activity! Could you make it round our obstacle course whilst blindfolded?
Y3 Spellings
The year three word list is tricky! Here we are practising our spellings. Would either of these methods help you to remember how to spell these tricky words?
Lowther Castle
We've had a lovely day on our trip. We enjoyed exploring the castle ruins, using materials found in the woods to make dragons and playing in the lost castle and nature playgrounds. Thanks again to the people that helped.
Getting crafty for our Shakespeare performance...
In Year 6 we have been tie-dying to make t-shirts for the spirits in our upcoming production of The Tempest.
Minecraft Day at Lancaster University
On Monday 9th July, five of us went with Mrs Redmayne to Lancaster University to take part in the first ever Minecraft Day for Year 6 and 7 pupils. This was led by different departments across the university and included exploring a virtual world based on Treasure Island, working on a MInecraft…
World Cup Afternoon
To celebrate the World Cup we had our own football inspired afternoon. We made flags, designed our football kits, decorated biscuits and took part in a football game.
Volcano Making
On Monday our parents came to help us start the volcano making process. We used paper mache to form the shape of the volcano. Thanks again for all the help. Today we started painting the volcanoes. Check back to see us complete our lava explosions!! We are all very excited for…
Parachute fun
We have been having fun with the parachute today, playing lots of fun games. It has been so hot!
Leighton Moss Y4 Trip
We had a super day at Leighton Moss Nature Reserve. We completed an orienteering course around the reserve to find out about the wildlife that live there. We made our own food chains and also searched for mini beasts.
Buddy Afternoon
We enjoyed an afternoon with our Year 5 buddies. We looked at the different countries taking part in the World Cup. We all got given a flag and we had to find the right colours to colour it in. Our buddies then read us a story and played with us outside.
Year 3 Leighton Moss Visit
Year 3 had a fabulous time at Leighton Moss. We learnt a lot about soil as part of our science topic and also spent time learning more about the beautiful range of birds found in our local woodlands.