23 Nov

Diddi Dance

We are looking at different styles of dance with Nicola from Diddi dance. 

9 Nov

Year 6 Remembrance Trip

On Friday 9th November, Year 6 visited Clitheroe Castle to learn more about World War 1 and to take part in an act of remembrance. We heard poems written about the Great War and developed some ideas for our own which we wrote later. We also made a poppy wreath and took part in an army drill led by…

5 Nov

Chalk Firework Pictures

In our Literacy, we are making a firework poem. Therefore in art we created pictures using chalk. We smudged some parts to create a smoky effect. 

1 Nov


We worked our muscles hammering one into the pumpkin. We put our hands in to get the seeds to plant in the nursery garden.

31 Oct

Healthy Lifesyles Afternoon

As part of our healthy lifestyles afternoon we brushed our teeth.


31 Oct

The gingerbread man

Look at our gingerbread man. We counted his buttons.

31 Oct

Year 2 Plasticine Portraits

In Year 2 we have been exploring different mediums  to create self-portraits.



31 Oct

Fundamental skill-kicking

We have been looking at the fundamental skill of kicking. Reminding the children which part of their foot to kick with and stopping and controlling the ball.

30 Oct

Making switches

In Y4, we have been learning all about 'Electricity'. We have looked at insulators and conductors and have made circuits with buzzers, bulbs and motors. The children really enjoyed making different types of switches.