26 May

Y1/2 Intra School Sports

Today we enjoyed competing in our team colours to win the Intra Sport's trophy.

26 May

Investigating sound

Today we have set up and conducted our own group investigations to find out what happens to a sound as we move away from the sound source. Each person in our group had their own role. 

26 May

Fractions of amounts

We were finding fractions of amounts out on the playground this week. 

25 May

Y1 Clay Flowers

We investigated how other artists used clay to produce a piece of art. We moulded it into the shapes that we wanted using our hands and tools. We are excited to paint them next ! 

25 May

Double success at the Sports' Festival

Once again, Year 6 have had great sporting success, this time at the annual Salt Ayre Sports' Festival. 29 schools were represented and we took part in four activities: korfball, dodgeball and girls' football tournaments as well as a non-competitive cheer-leading session. We are super proud to…

25 May

Perfecting our Crown Green Bowling skills

We have had another brilliant afternoon learning how to bowl with Coach Dan. Our skills and aim have certainly got much better.

25 May


After hearing the story of Jack and his beanstalk, the children were very keen to plant their own beans. We looked at different coloured beans and compared their sizes. The children are watering the beans and checking them daily.

24 May

Street Dance Performance

Wow! Today these dancers performed their amazing routine to their parents. Thank you Miss Helen ! 


24 May

Y1 Printing Tiles

We have enjoyed looking at the designer Orla Kiely and have made our own printing tiles in the same style. We have produced some super designs. 

22 May

Y5 and 6 Intrasports

Year 6, along with Year 5, enjoyed an afternoon of Intrasports today, as we come to the end of half term. Activities were planned for us by our very enthusiastic team of Sports Captains and included skills we have been practising recently in our PE lessons. Teams took part in netball-type games as…

22 May

Year 5 and 6 Intrasports Y5

Year 5 and Year 6 enjoyed an afternoon of Intrasports today, as we come to the end of half term. Activities were planned for us by our very enthusiastic team of Sports Captains and included skills we have been practising recently in our PE lessons. Teams took part in netball-type games as well as…

19 May

Finished Musical Instruments

The moment you have all been waiting for - our finished products. We hope you are impressed.