Introduction to Animation!
Year 2 started their new unit in Computing: Animation!
We learned how animations are made using a series of still images (pictures) and created our own flipbooks using post-it notes, tracing over the images from the page before, changing one detail a small amount each time.
After that, we…

Eco group tree planting project
Eco group have been looking at the possibility of planting some trees on our school field. Today we went down to the field with Hilary from Dorrington Woods, who came to help us measure out a suitable area. We drew a plan and calculated how many trees we will need to order.

Our Graffiti Tags!
In art have been looking at graffiti artists and how they often have a distinctive "tag" or autograph. We designed out own and then created stencils from our designs. Graffiti artists, such as Banksy, often use spray paints with stencils but we used sponging instead. We then used a black…

Today we are having to say goodbye to one of our class family! We are very sad to see you go and hope you soon make friends in your new home down South. I am sure Daddy will be so happy to have all his girls back together under one roof but we will definitely miss you!! Good Luck and remember…

Golden Time Teamwork!
Some fabulous teamwork here, girls!!! Look at what you can do when you work together.

Have a peek!
We have been very busy today setting up the new temporary Nursery classroom. We can’t wait to show you around after the half term break.

Information Texts
We finished our information texts all about wolves today. We included a lot of great facts in them. Here we are reading and evaluating each other’s work.

Making Switches
We have looked at a different types of switches and how they work. We then used a variety of materials to make our own switches.

People Who Help Us!
We really enjoyed when Kath came in to talk to us about how she helps people in her job. We discussed our emotions and how we should talk about our feelings.
Diana from NISCU Visits Year 1!
We were so lucky to have Diana from NISCU come and visit our class today!
She taught us three stories from the Bible- Jesus heals the paralysed man, Jesus Walks on Water, and Jesus' resurrection- and looked at how all these stories show how and why Jesus was, and still is, special. We then…

To the rescue!
After all of the teddies in Nursery went missing we decided to make hero capes and go and find them. We have developed our mark making skills and written our superhero name on the back. We have listened to and used lots of positional language to describe where they were found.

Are all metals magnetic?
This week we have been investigating whether all metals are magnetic.