Year 6 Knitting Club!
The children who attend Knitting Club each week are very excited to be starting their new project. They are eagerly already making teddy bear hand puppets for next year's Christmas Shoebox appeal! Well done Team Knitters!
It really seems as though Max has caught the knitting bug also... After…

Our Weather Station
We have been weather forecasters and finding out the weather in the UK. Some children made cameras in the making area to record the forecast too. We had other children checking the satellites and others recording the temperature.
Circuit Diagrams!
Check out an online circuit builder here: Circuit Construction Kit: DC - Virtual Lab (

Sending messages using Semaphore
In computing we are learning to encode, send and decode messages in our Cryptography unit. Using flags is difficult and it was like learning a whole new language.
Reception Superheroes
Reception have been reading all about how to be a Superhero. Do you recognise us even when we are dressed as our superhero alter egos?

How is static electricity created?
Today, we have been finding out how static electricity is created. Using balloons, we have made our hair stand on end! We have also created enough static electricity to be able to lift pieces of paper and stick our balloon to the wall.

Investigating seeds in fruits
We have been comparing the seeds in different fruits this week in Science. We looked at size, shape, colour and number. Next lesson we will be looking at how seeds are dispersed.

Computer Networks
This afternoon, Year 3 were learning how computer networks work. In groups, we acted out how a network switch sends messages to devices on its network.
Anyone for a Ploughman's Lunch?
For our first lesson in out DT unit (Great British Dishes) we learned about what the term savoury means and discovered a range of Britain's traditional savoury dishes. Whilst we have cooked cottage pies at home, in school we conducted a taste analysis for the three main parts of a Ploughman's…

Showing off our culinary skills... Week 1- Cottage Pie!
For this term's DT unit 'Great British Dishes', we will be learning about and cooking a range of national dishes. During the weeks where we will not be cooking in school, the children are being asked to safely follow a recipe at home with their families and share the meal they produce…

Happy New Year
Our story this week has been about 10 gingerbread men who disappear. We have counted from 10-0 and from 5-0.
Mrs Todd Bryce helped us to make our own gingerbread. It was very tasty.
Teamwork makes the Dream Work!
Today in PSHE, Mrs Ventress set us the challenge to build a bridge which spans 30cm and could hold the weight of a toy car. Our aim was to use negotiation and compromise to work together efficiently to complete the task. Afterwards, not only did we test the bridges, but we evaluated our efforts at…