Y6 shelter making
This week, Year 6 have been making a start on constructing their shelters, which they have been designing. The task is to design and make a shelter to house a family of four playmobile people, which must withstand wind, rain and pressure from above. Today, we focussed on our cutting skills, using…

Y6 Enterprise Week
Last week, Year 6 had a very busy week, preparing for the Christmas Fair. They were split into six groups and each loaned £15 by SCOT4ALL. Each group had to work as a team to design and make items to sell at the fair with the aim of making a profit to be given back to SCOT4ALL.
Each group had a…

Exploring packaging in D.T.
Today we started investigating different types of packaging for our new D.T. topic. We opened up lots of cardboard boxes to see how they were made. It was amazing that usually it was only one piece of cardboard used to make an entire box. We then drew the different nets and looked at the…

Making healthy sandwiches in Y3
After weeks of investigating, tasting, planning and practising our cooking skills, the time had finally come where we could make our own sandwiches! We used our plans and prepared the food, using spreading, chopping, cutting and grating. We chose from different food groups and tried some new…

Ready, steady, cook!
Next week we are making our healthy sandwiches so this week we have been practising different food skills. We learnt how to chop using the bridge hold and a fork hold. We also practising peeling and grating and spreading. We enjoyed spreading the most as we were able to eat the bread once we had…

Surveying sandwich fillings in Year 3
In DT we are going to be making sandwiches. We started this week by discussing different sandwich fillings and came up with loads! We then carried out a survey to find out which sandwich fillings we prefer as a class. We used tallying to collect our data and next we will put our results into a…