23 Sep

Bread testing

This afternoon, we were testing different bread options for sandwiches. White bread was the resounding favourite!


13 Mar

The start of Lent

What better way to start lent than with a pancake.new had a look in the shopping bag to see what ingredients we will need. We talked about where each came from and already knew that eggs came from hens and milk from cows. We were a bit unsure about where flour came from. We sang our rhyme, “Mix a…

4 Feb

The Great Scotforth Bake Off

Our Year 5 bake off is complete. Mrs Walsh has been to judge and we have some winners.

Bread that was the most creative was won by Lucy. 
Bread that was the most aesthetically pleasing was won by Bella S.

Bread that was most like their plan was won by Sundiya and Kirsty. 
Well done to…

3 Feb

The Great Scotforth Bake Off

Today we have used our plans to create our very own bread masterpieces. Each person had there own unique design. 

Tomorrow we will be decorating and finishing off our bread before Mrs Walsh comes to be our own Paul Hollywood. 

25 Jan

Great British Dishes Week 3: Scottish Oatcakes

Year 6 designed toppings for Scottish Oatcakes based on a specific design criteria and then made some of these at home. They are to prepare, assemble and taste the oatcakes before evaluating their toppings.

The children were also given the option of baking shortbread also, in keeping with the…

18 Jan

Fruit Crumbles & Desserts

As an added extra this week, the children have been asked if they'd like to cook a crumble at home with their families using fruits, linking to our learning in DT. Despite it being an optional activity, it's great to see our children and families already eager to give this a go! Some children have…

17 Jan

'Great British Dishes' Week 2: Eton Mess!

After learning about traditional British savoury dishes last week, we took a look at sweet dishes in our second DT lesson! When considering how healthy different desserts were, we learned about nutrition and RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) and how many shop-bought meals and puddings have lots of…