Biggest Girls’ Football Day
It was great to see so many girls wanting to play football. ⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️ Anya who plays for Morecambe Ladies also came down.

Y1 Gymnastic Sequences
Today we have enjoyed putting our skills that we have learnt, into our sequences on the big equipment.

Yoga Club
We enjoyed taking part in our Yoga Club tonight. We looked at using balance, co-ordination and strengthening.

Electricity dance
Miss Helen is teaching us dances linked to our Science topic on electricity. We have thought of different movements to make an electrical circuit dance with a partner and incorporated switches, wires and different components into our sequence.

Y4 Christmas Dodgeball Party
Today, Y4 had a brilliant time at the Dodgeball Christmas Party. Coach Wilcock taught us different tactics and teamwork. We listened to Christmas music whilst we played Christmas Tree Dodgeball, Santa’s Elves and Hide the Present. It was lots of fun and very festive.

Invasion games
In PE, we have been practising different skills that are needed to play invasion games. We have been passing using bounce and chest passes, we have been dribbling and we have also been thinking of tactics to try to outwit the opposition. We divided the playground into sections today and had to…

Y5/6 Boys Football Tournament
Well done to the children who represented Scotforth St Paul’s this week. We made it to the semi-finals!
Thank you to our wonderful parents for your support.

Young Leaders Y6 and Y1
We enjoyed having the Year 6 using their leadership skills this morning. They were showing us some of the playtime games that we could play at break time.

Play leaders refresher training
Year 6 spent this morning with Scott Wilcox, refreshing the training they did last year to be Playleaders for the younger children. They went over some of the basics of organising games to make sure they are fun, safe and active. Then Year 1 joined them, so they could try out their skills and some…

Our last day at Lockerbie
Our adventure at Lockerbie finished on a “high” today, with all groups tackling the climbing wall and the abseil tower. We were able to use the skills we learnt and our experiences from crate stacking and high ropes to help us in these final challenges. Following a final meal, we set off home and…

Invasion game skills
Today, we have been practising skills to play an invasion game. We have been throwing and catching balls using a chest pass and a bounce pass. We had to think of the position of our hands and feet to be able to throw and catch effectively.