6 Feb

Making equal groups

Today, Year 2 started learning about multiplication. We were seeing how we could make equal groups with 20 counters.


26 Jan

Sketching our super self portraits

This afternoon, we were sketching our self portraits. We used sketching pencils (lots of excitement occurred!) to be able to be more accurate with our lines and shapes and the light and dark parts of our face.

12 Jan

Sorting 2D shapes

This morning, we were sorting 2D shapes. We have sorted them using their properties - amount of sides, amount of vertices, colour. 

10 Jan

Sorting foods

This afternoon, we were sorting foods in Science. We had to think of different ways we could group the foods we were given. We sorted them by how healthy they were, what food group they are, taste, how much sugar they had. 

11 Dec

Niscu RE lesson

This afternoon, Year 2 and Year 3 had a great, interactive lesson from Niscu all about the Christmas story.


6 Dec

Cutting skills for our DT decoration

This afternoon, we were practising our cutting skills for when we make a decoration next week. We were very careful and trying to cut as neatly as possible.

6 Dec

Adding two two digit numbers

This morning, Year 2 were using base 10 to add two two digit numbers together. They were amazing at it and soon moved onto adding without the base 10!

29 Nov

Dragon hunting and prepositions

This afternoon, Year 2 went dragon hunting around the school. We found quite a few and we’re using prepositions to describe where we found them.

under the cone

behind the book shelf

amongst the books

3 Nov

Colour mixing and firework art

This afternoon, we were mixing primary colours to make the secondary colours. We then used all the colours to make firework art.


21 Sep

Place Value investigation

This morning, Year 2 were investigating how many numbers they could make with only six pieces of Base 10. It was a challenge to find all of them!


13 Jul

Y2 Cheerleading

Today Mrs Winder came into school to give us all a taste of cheerleading.  Here are just a few snaps of Y2 practising what she taught us.

13 Jul

Investigating Mass

Today we are investigating the mass of various objects.  It was trickier than it looked to make the two sides of the scale balance.