Swimming Gala success
Congratulations to our Year 5/6 swimming team who won the Lancaster large schools' Swimming Gala.
Quicksticks Hockey Tournament
Well done to our Year 5/6 Quicksticks hockey squad, who took part in the Lancaster schools' tournament today. Not only did they represent our school brilliantly in terms of their enthusiasm and sportsmanship, but they came second in the group stages and got through to the quarter finals. Unfortunately they were beaten in the quarter final, but this didn't dampen their spirits. Thank you to the parents who came along to help on the day.
Linda Lollipop
"Linda Lollipop" celebrates 30 years as our school crossing patrol.
Easter Egg collection
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our collection of Easter eggs for the Olive Branch.
Peace Proms, Liverpool
Peace Proms 2018