Year 1 DT- Creating levers
We have explored sliders and levers and now we have begun to make our own. We have used our cutting, glueing and hole punching skills to make this. We will be exploring these in preparation for our end product.

Following Instructions to make a Smoothie
We followed instructions to make a raspberry and banana smoothie for Mrs Walsh! She thought it was delicious!

Reading our Bonfire Safety Instructions
We have written some safety instructions and we enjoyed sharing them with Reception class today.

Real Fruit Arcimboldo
Following our work on the artist Arcimboldo, we used real fruit to make fruit faces.

Exploring our Sense of Taste
We have enjoyed exploring the sense of taste this week. We had to guess the range of fruit and vegetables and whether we liked it or not. It was lovely to see the children trying different foods and some children found out they actually liked it !

Giuseppe Arcimboldo
We have been discussing the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo. We have been looking at his work and recreating it. Then we had fun making our own !

Painting Self-portraits
We have been using paint to make our self portrait. We have been discussing the different hair colour, eye colour and skin colour that people have and that we are all unique. We mixed the paint to achieve the right colours.

Investigating our sense of touch
We continued exploring our senses by looking at the sense of touch. We described how things felt in the feely bag and we tried to guess what they were.

Retelling the story
We enjoyed using expression to retell the story. We tried to change our voices to re-enact the the characters’ feelings.

Performing our own nursery rhymes
We performed our own version of a nursery ryhme. We enjoyed listening to the different rhyming words.
Sense of hearing-listening walk
We looked at using the sense of hearing to listen to sounds all around us.