Dinosaur eggs have appeared in our classroom.
We could not believe it. We arrived to school and there was huge footprints and a dinosaur egg in our classroom.

Nurse visit.
We had a lovely visit from a nurse. She told us what nurses do and she even showed us how to put bandages, slings and plasters on. We are now all ready to be nurses in our hospital role play.

Police visit.
We had a lovely visit from a police lady. She told us about her roll and she let us have a look at some of the equipment the police use. We then got to dress up and try it all out. She also read us a story about all the different types of police and what they do to help us.

Today we had a visit from the vets who brought Shelly with them.
We loved to have a visit from Shelly the tortoise. We got to hold her and give her a bath. We also learnt about what vets do and how they help animals.

Supertato arrived to save the day.
Our book for the next few weeks is Supertato, we have made superhero masks and capes just in case evil pea finds our classroom. Today we arrived to school and Supertato and his vegetables are here to save the day in case evil pea arrives.

Reading Cafe
Today we had our grown ups come into our Reception classroom. They came to our Reading Cafe and read us a story. We had so much fun and loved listening to lots of different stories.

Toy making.
This half term we have been looking at lots of different toys. Toys that we used to play in the past when we were babies and toys we play with now. The children have made some amazing toys this week, crocodile, butterflies, rockets, castles, people figures and many more.

Blast off !
This week we have been learning all about Bonfire night. We made firework display pictures and made our own rockets which we flew into the sky.

Brushing our teeth.
Today we learnt how to brush our teeth and why it is so important. We also found out we need to brush our teeth for 2 minutes twice a day.

Diddi Dance.
Today we got to join in with Diddi Dance. We had so much fun learning some new moves and being able to express ourselves.

Life Education visit.
Thank you to Steve, who came into Reception. He spoke to us about our bodies and how we can stay healthy. We also got a visit from Harold the giraffe.

First day at school.
We had so much fun in Reception. We played with lots of new toys, learnt our school rules and enjoyed a story.