29 Jan

The Great British bird count

Today we took part in the national bird count. We saw two pigeons and four crows!

We used our binoculars to look up 8th the trees.

26 Jan

Who built the ark?

This week we have started listening to the stories Jesus would have heard when he was a little boy. We decided to make our own arks and fill them with animals. The story is really good for supporting our counting.

17 Jan

Making our own hopscotch

We did maths outside today. We had some spots that had numbers and dots on, it was our job to find our matching pair. We then made our own hopscotch and counted as we played. 

17 Jan

Special visitors

On Monday this week 2 fishes came to visit Nursery. We are going to use our super friend hands to help look after them.

17 Jan


This half term our topic is superheroes. The children have set up a hero small world area and made their own superheroes to have adventures in it. We shall be hearing all about superheroes both in stories and those who help us in real life.

16 Jan

Fun in the snow!

We wrapped up warm and couldn't wait to get outside in the snow. We made snowmen, snow angels and lots of other fun things. 

8 Jan


This half term we are learning all about superheroes and real life heroes. We have loved dressing up in our role play area. We have got capes and masks.  

12 Dec

Making our 2024 calendars.

This week we made our calendars. We found out that in each season the leaves are different colours. 

6 Dec


This week we have been learning all about the four different seasons. 

15 Nov

Looking after ourselves.

This afternoon we found out how and why we need to look after our teeth . We found out how to brush all the different surfaces and got to take a new toothbrush home. We had so much fun. 

3 Nov

Outdoor maths.

Today we went outside and made numbers in different ways. We used leaves, stones, sticks and petals.