13 Dec

Call my Bluff (Maya Style!)

In our history this half-term, we have been learning about the amazing Maya civilisation and this week we have been investigating primary sources and artefacts. Today we tried to trick our classmates in a game of Call My Bluff! Each group was given an artefact to investigate and had to write…

8 Dec

Investigating the Christmas Story

In RE we have been investigating the Christmas story.  We drew pictures of all the things and people we thought might have been at the first Christmas. We then investigated the Bible sources in the gospels of Matthew and Luke.

Can you work out which things from our list were mentioned in the…

6 Dec

Having Fun With Cubes...

In maths we have been learning about different types of numbers - ask anyone in Year 5 if you fancy hearing the famous Prime Number Rap!  Today it was... cube numbers.

We had lots of fun making the different cube numbers out of multilink. 1x1x1 was quite easy (needing only 1 multilink!)…

16 Nov

French Fruit Games

We are learning the names of fruits in French and then we will learn how to describe the fruits and give our opinions of them.  Today we played a dice and counter game linked to fruits.  We had to speak in French all the time.  It wasn't easy but we had fun!


16 Nov

Let's have a heated debate!

In Year 5 we have been investigating persuasive writing.  We have read lots of examples and written our own persuasive leaflets.  Now we are preparing for a class debate.  Today we were given the topics for our debates:   

        It is wrong to spend billions of pounds on space…

9 Nov

Historical Enquiry - What can we tell about the Maya from their buildings?

We have started out new topic - The Magnificent Maya!  Today we thought about what we already know about the Maya.  We came up with lots of enquiry questions that we want to find out about during our topic.  

As historians, we know we need to use evidence to find out about the past.  We used…

2 Nov

Environmental Posters in Year 5

In Geography, we have been learning about the COP26 conference.  We watched Newsround and read articles about the conference. We found out about what governments are trying to do to reduce climate change.  In our "Living in the United Kingdom" topic we have also been learning about the many…

13 Oct

Year 4 Local Geography Field Trip

Today we went on a field trip to gather information for making our own maps of the local area.  We noted down all the different things we walked past on our trip to Dorrington Field.  We tried to draw rough sketches of our journey on the way, but it was not always easy to know which direction we…

29 Sep

Geography Field Work

Today Year 4 braved the weather (we had rain, wind, sunshine and a bit of hail!) to do our geography!  We have been learning about field work and today we did some of our own linked to our topic of "The Local Area".  We learnt that geographers carry out surveys to get information and so we did a…

27 Sep

NISCU Big Bible Lesson Year 5

Today Debbie from NISCU came to teach us about the Bible using her very own Big Bible!  It was full of things to help us understand why the Bible is so important to Christians.  We thought about lots of different stories and characters in the Bible (well done Henry and Reuben who thought of some…

16 Jul

Sports Day with Year 6

We had a gloriously sunny day today for our Year 5 and 6 Sports Day at the field.  We held a variety of races: sprints, hurdles, egg and spoon and, of course, the infamous long-distance!  There was a fantastic atmosphere of excitement and competitiveness but we were most impressed by the way that…

14 Jun

Creating Vomit in Science (Trigger warning!)

Today we learnt all about the digestive system and in particular the stomach.  We learnt that sometimes the stomach needs to get rid of food that could be harmful to the body.  Trigger warning!  Do not watch the video if you are squeamish!