February Large Apparatus in P.E.
In P.E. this term we have been putting our travelling, jumping and rolling skills to the test on the large apparatus. We soon discovered we could go up and down the climbing frame but travelling through proved to be a much bigger challenge. The ropes were also very tricky but some of us managed…
Maths Arrays
In maths we are learning that multiplication and division are inverse operations. We know that we can multiply any numbers in any order but this is not true when dividing. We have also learnt that good mathematicians like to be organised and one good way to organise our thinking is by using an…
This week we took our first look at the operation of division. Here we are exploring division as 'sharing'.
Coach Steve
Coach Steve has been coming in to teach us some cricket skills in P.E. this term. We have learnt to hold the bat properly and to strike a ball off a tee or cone. We have also brushed up on our rolling and underarm throwing skills.
Plasticine Relief Self Portraits
At long last the materials arrived so we could make our plasticine relief faces. Can you tell who is who?
Our first look at multiplication
We used multi-link cubes to take a first look at multiplication. We learnt about multiplication as 'groups of' and made groups of cubes before writing the number sentences.
Christmas Crafts
Just a few of our Christmassy themed craft activities for you all to see this week.
A pre-Christmas Treat
As it's nearly Christmas, we thought we'd treat ourselves by decorating some biscuits. They were delicious apparently!!
Key Stage One Christmas Party
A few snaps of our Christmas party. Not the best pictures I've ever taken but we were too busy having fun to concentrate on quality snaps!! And the Christmas conga was too much to resist!! :-)
Lancaster Museum Visit
What a fabulous day we had at Lancaster Museum. We crammed a lot into a short space of time. We spent time exploring all the artefacts in the museum seeing exactly how they have changed over time, we also went into the old school room and learnt a bit about life at school for children in the…