House Captains visit the Olive Branch
The newly appointed House Captains took our collection of food from the Harvest Festival to the Olive Branch food bank today. They found out about the work of the charity then stayed a while to help sort some of the many donations they had received today. It was amazing to think that every tin or…

House Captains visit the Olive Branch
The newly appointed House Captains took our collection of food from the Harvest Festival to the Olive Branch food bank today. They found out about the work of the charity then stayed a while to help sort some of the many donations they had received today. It was amazing to think that every tin or…

Harvest worship on zoom
So everyone in school could join together with Rev. Rebecca to celebrate harvest, we “zoomed” this afternoon. Each class was challenged to make smaller words from the letters of HARVEST. Amongst the words we found were HAVE, EAT and SHARE. Rev. Rebecca reminded us that all we have comes from God’s…

Welcome back to NISCU
We have been delighted to be able to welcome both Debbie and Diana from NISCU back into school this week. We have seen them (and Diana’s dog) on their video “disassembles” each week, but it was extra special to be able to invite them into class in real life! Diana spent time with Year 6 looking at…

Playleaders in action
Year 6 have begun putting their playleader training into action this week as they support the KS1 children during lunchtime play. Three Year 6 playleaders will be on duty each lunchtime to organise group games in the playleader zone on the bottom playground.

Playleaders in action
Year 6 have begun putting their playleader training into action this week, as they support the KS1 children during lunchtime play. They are leading games in the playleaders zone on the bottom playground.

Last day at Lockerbie
Today we said goodbye to Lockerbie Manor and set off home after lunch. Before that though, we still had activities to enjoy, which included abseiling, target shooting, survival skills, archery and tackling the low-ropes course.

Day 2 at Lockerbie Manor
We woke up to rain this morning, but we enjoyed a hearty breakfast before venturing out to go orienteering and learn survival skills. Thankfully it stopped raining in the afternoon. We had a great time on the lake canoeing and kayaking. We finished the day with abseiling or tackling the high ropes…

Year 6 arrive at Lockerbie Manor
Year 6 arrived at Lockerbie Manor this afternoon to begin their week of outdoor and adventurous activities. After settling into their dorms, they split into groups to enjoy various activities including the obstacle course, blind trail, zip wire and low ropes course. They also enjoyed their first…

All change!
In our first zoom worship of the new school year we thought about all the things that have changed since we were last in school: Mrs Aylott has retired, Miss Huddleston is leading school this term, we all have a different teacher and we no longer have to stay in our class bubbles, to name just a…