29 Jan

"Healthy Heads" with Coach Dan

Year 5 are enjoying a series of lessons with Coach Dan, all based around having a healthy mind as well as a healthy body. So far, we have been thinking about resilience, confidence and gratitude. After working in the classroom on these topics, we go out and try to show these same qualities as we…

13 Dec

Carol singing at Williamson's Court

This year we were invited to go to the new sheltered housing development at Williamson's Court to sing carols. The manager had asked us what charities we support and when we told them about the Olive Branch, they decided to make a collection of food to donate to the Olive Branch. Today we went,…

12 Dec

Carol Service at Chirnside House

As we do every year, Year 6 went to Chirnside House today to help the vicar with the carol service at CHirnside House. We went with Rev. Rebecca and Mrs Weatherill from St. Paul's. We sang carols and did the Bible readings, whilst Rev. Rebecca talked to us and the residents about the angels in the…

30 Nov

Enterprise week

Year 6 Enterprise Week has begun! Our teams have been assigned, our jobs have been agreed and we have begun to plan how we will use the £12 given to each team, in order to make the best profit we can at the Christmas Market next Friday. We have already started making some products. As the week…

12 Nov

Bible Explorers

This afternoon we welcomed James and Graham from Bible Explorers into school again to work with Year 5. For the next five weeks, they will be coming into our class to help us learn about the Old Testament. We will be learning 40 actions which will help us remember the events of the old testament…

11 Nov

Fashion design club

Fashion design club met after school today for the first time ever, thanks to Mrs. Couchman. If you are interested in joining, there are still places available. 


8 Nov

Investigating circulation

Today, we were learning about our circulatory system - how the blood moves around our bodies, providing our muscles with oxygen from our lungs. As part of our learning, we looked at some lambs' hearts to investigate how the vessels are linked inside.


7 Nov

Remembrance event at Clitheroe Castle

On Thursday 7th November, Year 6 visited Clitheroe Castle to learn more about World War 1 and the importance of remembrance. We looked at a special tin, given to each soldier by Princess Mary as a Christmas gift in December 2014. This particular tin was found in no-man's land and contained a…

6 Nov

Playleaders training

Year 5 have had the first day of their Playleaders training today. They have been learning how to lead activities with the infants at playtime. They have devised games which they have then learnt to explain to other children and supervise. Their training continues next Wednesday.


28 Oct

Hebrew and Greek lessons

Mr Weston came in this afternoon to explain why different parts of the Bible were originally written in Hebrew and Greek. He showed us how to write our names in both Hebrew and Greek. Hebrew was especially difficult as it is written from right to left and doesn't use familiar letters. He also…

9 Jul

Y5 help out at Nursery Sports

Year 5 had chance to help out at the Nursery Sports Day this afternoon. They were responsible for running a selection of activities as well as supporting some of the nursery children as they tried them out. Mrs Atkinson was very grateful for their help.

1 Jul

Police visit

Thank you to Sgt Carson-Brown who came to visit us yesterday, continuing our citizenship work. He told us about the law, the role of the police and the huge variety of jobs within the police. He also reminded us of our responsibilities, especially now that we are all over the age of 10 - the age…