Classifying animals
We have been looking at different ways to group animals and have sorted them using Venn diagrams. We discussed lots of different ways to classify them.
Pentominoes Challenge
We have had fun completing the ‘Pentominoes Challenge’. First, we had to make 12 shapes using 5 squares. When we had created the 12 shapes, we then put them on a grid with no gaps or overlapping shapes.
Egyptian Day
Year 4 had a super Egyptian day. The children had the chance to dress up and the costumes were fabulous. During the day, we made Egyptian bread, played games, completed a quiz and made pyramids. We also wrote our names in hieroglyphics and completed some Egyptian…
Researching a country in Europe
We each chose a country in Europe to research. We had to find out lots of facts about that country, such as the size, the population and the language. We also found out what foods were eaten there and if any famous people were born in that country. We also made the flag too.
Using atlases
We have been using the atlases to locate the countries in Europe and their capital cities.
Europe information hunt
In our geography lessons, we have been learning about Europe. We had to find the answers to questions about Europe that were placed around our playground. We had lots of fun finding the answers and keeping fit.
Y4 Egyptian Day
We had so much fun on our Egyptian Day, Mrs Mayor thought our costumes were amazing and we made a scarab beetle bracelet to wear. We played games, baked Egyptian bread, made pyramids and even had a mummy competition! We also wrote our names in hieroglyphics on a cartouche and learnt about the…
Friction experiments
We have been completing lots of investigations to learn about friction. We used force meters to move our PE bags across different surfaces and have devised our own experiment to test which surface creates more friction. We have also made paper spinners to test air…
Egyptologist visit
We have been really lucky in Y4 to have the opportunity for an Egyptologist to come into our class. We discussed Egyptian society and together we formed a triangle to show the importance of different jobs. We even got the chance to mummify a body! Have look at our…
Using historical sources
During our topic about Ancient Egypt, we have learnt about Tutankhamun. We have looked closely at a photograph showing some of the artefacts that were found in his tomb thousands of years ago and have tried to infer information about Tutankhamun from this. We used our deduction skills just like…
Understanding chronology
In Year 4, we have been putting key dates in history into chronological order. We have been discussing the terms BC and AD and using these to order key events.
Investigating circuits
In Year 4, we have been exploring different circuits and making our own. We have been investigating materials that are insulators and those that are electrical conductors.