Friction investigation
We have carried out a variety of investigations to understand and learn more about friction.
Making switches
In Y4, we have been learning all about 'Electricity'. We have looked at insulators and conductors and have made circuits with buzzers, bulbs and motors. The children really enjoyed making different types of switches.
Parachute fun
We have been having fun with the parachute today, playing lots of fun games. It has been so hot!
Leighton Moss Y4 Trip
We had a super day at Leighton Moss Nature Reserve. We completed an orienteering course around the reserve to find out about the wildlife that live there. We made our own food chains and also searched for mini beasts.
Preparing for Wimbledon
We have been practising lots of tennis skills in Y4. Last week we played a game of singles and this week we have had fun playing a doubles game.
World Book Day
For World Book Day, Y4 came to school dressed in their favourite book characters. The costumes were amazing! We have been designing book spines with the title of our favourite book and we have also taken part in 'Ring-a-Read'. We have had the chance to meet an author…
Y4 Wheelchair basketball
We have had lots of fun playing wheelchair basketball. Mrs McMenamin joined in too.
Keeping teeth healthy
We have been thinking about how to keep our teeth healthy. We have a display in our classroom that shows the sugar content in lots of different drinks. The results have surprised us!
We are carrying out an investigation to see what happens to the shell of hard-boiled eggs when they are left in…
Learning lacrosse
We have been learning how to play lacrosse. It has been lots of fun. We have had a go at scooping and pop passing.
Cedric the skeleton
Cedric the skeleton has joined our class for a short time. We have been looking at the skeleton and naming bones. How many bones can you name?
Egyptologist visits Y4
Year 4 have been visited by an Egyptologist today. We have learnt lots of interesting facts and even had a go at mummification!
Science investigations
We have been learning about friction in science this half term. Here are some of the investigation we have carried out to support our learning.