Learning about polygons
In maths, we have been learning about the properties of a polygon and then sorting them further into regular and irregular polygons. We have worked practically making polygons using up to 10 matchsticks. We were then set a task of using only 6 equilateral triangles to make a quadrilateral, a…

History - Comparing the city-states of Athens and Sparta
Today, we have been reading a variety of statements and deciding whether they referred to the Ancient Greek city-states of Athens or Sparta. We made a Venn diagram and looked at similarities and differences between the two places. After finding out about them, we were asked to decide which place…

Perfecting our Crown Green Bowling skills
We have had another brilliant afternoon learning how to bowl with Coach Dan. Our skills and aim have certainly got much better.

Investigating angles
Today, we made angle measures and then took them outside to find and identify different angles outdoors. We made acute, obtuse and right angles with our bodies before looking at different angles around us. We used sticks and twigs to make shapes and labelled the different angles.

Crown Green Bowling with Y4
Coach Dan taught us some skills for crown green bowling this afternoon. We were given a bowl and tried to aim at a target. By the end of the afternoon, we had certainly improved our aim and some of us even managed to get our bowl on the centre circle.

Cedric the skeleton has joined Y4
We had a visitor in class today....Cedric the skeleton! First, we had to draw round someone in the class and then draw the bones that we thought were in our body. We were surprised to find out that humans have 206 bones in their skeleton. Cedric then visited and we discussed why we have a skeleton…

Investigating air resistance
Today we have been investigating air resistance by making different sized parachutes and dropping them from a height to observe the speed at which they fall. We found out that the larger the parachute the slower they fall as air resistance slows them down.

Music Festival
Today the children took part in the Lancaster and District Schools’ Singing Festival at the Ashton Hall in Lancaster. They sang beautifully, remembered all the words and actions and even learnt some sign language too. What a credit to the school they all were. Well done Y4, we are really proud of…

Spring......or Winter?!
We never expected snow in March so we made the most of it today and had fun playing outside building snowmen.

Which surfaces create more friction?
We carried out an investigation today to find out which surfaces creates more friction. We used a Newton meter to measure the amount of force used to pull our bags across different surfaces. We found out that surfaces that were bumpy and uneven such as the astroturf, concrete and carpet…

Water resistance
We have been making different shapes from plasticine to investigate water resistance. We looked at the shapes of boats and fish to make different streamlined shapes that travelled faster through the water.

Forces in Year 4
Today, we have started to learn all about forces. We have watched a video about Isaac Newton and how he discovered gravity. We then used Newton meters to measure the amount of force needed to pull objects back down to earth and found out how this links to the mass of each object.