Does gas weigh anything?
Today we were investigating whether gas weighs anything. We had a selection of fizzy drinks and we weighed them. Then we shook them to make them go flat and released the gas out of them, which is called carbon dioxide. We weighed them again to see if they were lighter and they were, which proved…

Dancing Raisins
We have been discussing what makes drinks fizzy and learnt that a gas called carbon dioxide is added to drinks. A man called Joseph Priestley invented the carbonation process to create fizzy drinks. We put raisins into a glass of lemonade and watched them dance. Bubbles of carbon dioxide…

Having fun learning about non-Newtonian fluids
Today, we have been making ‘gloop’, which is also sometimes called Oobleck. We mixed water and cornflour together to create a mixture that is a non-Newtonian fluid. The cornflour doesn’t dissolve in the cold water so when stress is put on the mixture such as squeezing or hitting it, it acts like a…

How can we separate different sized solids?
We have been discussing how we could separate solids today. Remembering their learning from Y3, the children discussed how magnets could be used if there was metal involved. We also investigated how to separate different sized solids using a variety of sieves.

Reading detectives
We have been getting ready to write our information text about the Loch Ness Monster by looking at a variety of non-fiction texts. We have been detectives finding key features within them such as headings, subheadings, questions, photos, pictures and captions.

Singing in Year 4
We look forward to Mr Gilliatt coming into school each Friday to teach us some new songs. The actions for each song are keeping us fit and are really good fun too.

Do solids change state when they are heated?
Today, we have been investigating what happens to different solids when they are heated up. We used bread, ice, butter, wax, chocolate, jelly and an egg. We observed the process of each material changing state. We also discussed whether the process was reversible or not.

Which solids behave like liquids?
In Science, we have been investigating solids, liquids and gases. We have looked closely at all three states of matter and discussed the properties of each. Today, we used Easi-Scopes to identify different solids that behave like liquids such as sugar, coffee, salt and sand. We could clearly see…

Meeting Harold the Giraffe again!
Today we had a visit from a very special visitor, it was Harold the Giraffe from the Life Education Van. We learnt all about the different systems in our body as well as how to keep ourselves safe and healthy. We visited a planet called Conformatron where everybody who lives there looks the same…

Identifying living things using classification keys
Today, we have been identifying different living creatures. We have thought of lots of questions to separate each living thing and used them in our own classification key.

Y4 Debates
This week we have been carrying out debates. In groups, we have researched facts about different topics such as homework, watching television, PE in schools and uniform. We have used persuasive language to argue for or against each topic. The rest of the class then had to vote for the most…

Samba Bamba
We had a lots of fun today using different instruments to create our own Samba Bamba band and we certainly got into the groove dancing to the music.