Adventures at Beacon Fell
Year 5 enjoyed a day of adventure at Beacon Fell this week. We have been reading Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Murpurgo, so we imagined that we had been stranded on Beacon Fell, just like Michael had been washed up on the shores of Kensuke's island. First we explored the fell to find the best place…
Historic Scotforth walk
Year 5 have been studying the local area in their history and geography lessons recently. To round off their work, they spent this afternoon walking into Lancaster from school, searching out some of the oldest buildings in Scotforth and linking them to some of the important characters they have…
Making musical instruments
Year 5 have had fun this week, making their own musical instruments. They have previously spent time investigating how different instruments make sounds before planning and designing their own.
"Healthy Heads" with Coach Dan
Year 5 are enjoying a series of lessons with Coach Dan, all based around having a healthy mind as well as a healthy body. So far, we have been thinking about resilience, confidence and gratitude. After working in the classroom on these topics, we go out and try to show these same qualities as we…
Conversations in French!
Today in French we had the opportunity to have simple conversations with Monsieur Pouey and Mademoiselle Lemaire who are visiting from France. We practised talking about the weather, describing ourselves and where we live as well as what foods we like. It was great to improve our…
Christmas Fun!
Today we had our annual Christmas party. Great fun was had by all as we played many Christmassy games including the Chocolate Game, the Nativity Dash and, of course, Johnny Smartie!
Bible Explorers
This afternoon we welcomed James and Graham from Bible Explorers into school again to work with Year 5. For the next five weeks, they will be coming into our class to help us learn about the Old Testament. We will be learning 40 actions which will help us remember the events of the old testament…
Investigating circulation
Today, we were learning about our circulatory system - how the blood moves around our bodies, providing our muscles with oxygen from our lungs. As part of our learning, we looked at some lambs' hearts to investigate how the vessels are linked inside.
Playleaders training
Year 5 have had the first day of their Playleaders training today. They have been learning how to lead activities with the infants at playtime. They have devised games which they have then learnt to explain to other children and supervise. Their training continues next Wednesday.
Hebrew and Greek lessons
Mr Weston came in this afternoon to explain why different parts of the Bible were originally written in Hebrew and Greek. He showed us how to write our names in both Hebrew and Greek. Hebrew was especially difficult as it is written from right to left and doesn't use familiar letters. He also…
Leighton Moss
We had a fantastic day at Leighton Moss learning about habitats, food chains and exploring the reserve following maps.