Which 3D shapes could stack the best?
“We’ve made a tower bigger than us using 3D shapes!”
They named which shapes were good to build towers with.

What is the temperature today?
Every day, we have been checking and recording the temperature. We have even seen -2’C, we definitely needed our coats, hats and scarves that day!

Our Weather Station
We have been weather forecasters and finding out the weather in the UK. Some children made cameras in the making area to record the forecast too. We had other children checking the satellites and others recording the temperature.

Retelling a story
We have been looking at the repetition of stories and we have been really enjoying retelling, ‘The Little Red Hen’. We have been acting out as the different characters and using different voices and expression.

DT-pop up /sliding Christmas cards.
After designing our cards, we then made our pop up/sliding Christmas cards carefully using our designs. We were really pleased with how they turned out and evaluated. We thought if we were to make these again, what would we do differently?

Our local walk to explore different houses
We spotted lots of different houses on our walk e.g detached, bungalows, semi-detached and flats. We spotted Lancaster Castle and explored our local church, St Paul’s. We spotted the date 1925 on the Parish Hall opposite the church.

Exploring Pop Up Toys and Sliders-DT
We investigated pop up toys and sliders in books before we thought of which moving part we were going to choose for our Christmas card design.

Life Education Visit Y1
We had a visit from the Life Education Van today. We found out about our wonderful bodies, keeping healthy and safe. We discussed feelings and helped Harold with a problem. We even had a visit from Harold too

Snow Day
We enjoyed the last bit of snow out on the playground today. We recorded the temperature at 2’C! Good job we wore our gloves.