Introducing the greater than and less than signs < = >
We started using the greater than, less than and equals signs < = > to compare numbers.

Comparing Numbers
We chose numbers and compared the amounts using the vocabulary, “greater than, less than and equal to”.

Self Portraits
We enjoyed looking at our own faces and drawing a self-portrait. We also looked at the different media that created dark and light colours.

Ordering numbers to 20
We have been ordering numbers to 20 and looking at the value of numbers.

First week of Y1 in the Creative area
We enjoyed completing the ‘make a face’ challenge in the creative area.

Value of numbers
We have been looking at numbers and seeing how we can make them with different resources to understand the value of numbers.

First week in Y1
We have been exploring the challenges in the classroom. We have been trying to get Bee-Bot to follow instructions. We have enjoyed using directional vocabulary too.

First week in Y1
The children have been in role in the Doctors surgery. They have enjoyed making appointments and making people better as part of our topic.

First week in Y1-Funky Fingers- fine motor skills
We have been practicing our fine motor skills by making small peg pictures.
Last Day in Reception
We had a lovely day in the fresh air. We went on a treasure hunt and then enjoyed the fruits of our success. Afterwards we made dens and pretend campfires. We had fun visiting each others campsites for a chat.