8 Sep

Value of numbers

We have been looking at numbers and seeing how we can make them with different resources to understand the value of numbers. 

7 Sep

First week in Y1

We have been exploring the challenges in the classroom. We have been trying to get Bee-Bot to follow instructions. We have enjoyed using directional vocabulary too. 

6 Sep

First week in Y1

The children have been in role in the Doctors surgery. They have enjoyed making appointments and making people better as part of our topic.

2 Sep

First week in Y1-Funky Fingers- fine motor skills

We have been practicing our fine motor skills by making small peg pictures. 

19 Jul

Last Day in Reception

We had a lovely day in the fresh air. We went on a treasure hunt and then enjoyed the fruits of our success. Afterwards we made dens and pretend campfires. We had fun visiting each others campsites for a chat.


15 Jul

Sports Day Fun

We had lots of races and fun!


13 Jul

Daniel in the Lions' Den

In RE today we learned about the story of Daniel in the Lions' den. We had great fun acting out the story afterwards.

9 Jul

Addition using number tracks

We played a game where we scored points for each bean bag we managed to throw into a hoop. We used number tracks to help us work out who scored the most points.


30 Jun

North West Ambulance Service Visit

A huge thank you to Mr Brighouse for arranging a visit from North West ambulance. He  explained to Reception when and how to phone for an ambulance and told us about some of the life saving equipment on board.


26 Mar

Egg Rolling

We rolled our eggs down the ramp with the help of the wonderful Miss Arnold.


11 Mar

Celebrating World Book Day

We shared lots of books  in class today and talked to each other about the characters we were dressed as.


16 Dec

Our Christmas Party

We had a brilliant day! We made party hats in the morning and enjoyed party games and food in the afternoon. It was all topped off with a visit from Santa.