4 Oct

Rounding numbers

In Maths this week we have been looking at rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. We first worked out which tens/hundreds numbers our chosen number sat between on a number line and then looked at the correct column to round the number.

We used this rounding rhyme to help us:

‘Five to…

27 Sep

Looking at key features in a magazine

In preparation for writing our information page about the Loch Ness Monster, we have been looking at magazine pages and identifying key features that they include. We located the heading, subheadings, technical vocabulary, photos, captions, any questions and key facts we could find.

26 Sep

Using Easi-scopes

Today, we have been using the Easi-scopes to look closely at different solids such as sugar, salt, sawdust and coffee. The solids were magnified and we could easily see the different particles clearly. We had to try and guess what each of them were.

20 Sep

Introduction to solids, liquids and gases

Today, we started our topic on ‘Solids, Liquids and Gases’. To begin with, we looked at lots of pictures and sorted them into groups. Then we were given a variety of solids and liquids and we investigated the properties of each, thinking of different words to describe them.

10 Sep

Year 4 Orienteering

Today, Year 4 completed their first orienteering lesson. The children learnt how to hold the map correctly in line with the course and how to follow a short path between markers. Each marker had a score and these needed to be added together to get a total. The winning team who were both accurate…

6 Sep

Rock Kidz

We had a great day dressing up as rock stars when Rock Kidz came into school and loved the singing and dancing. We revisited the very important message of being kind to everyone.

17 Jul

KS2 Sports Day

Well done Year 3 for your first KS2 Sports!  There was loads of resilience, perseverance and of course endurance on show! 

14 Jul

Year 3 Rainforest Pictures

We have been working all this half-term on the different parts of our rainforest collages and finally we have put them all together!  We are really proud of our final pictures and hope you like them too!


12 Jul

Year 3 Wheelchair basketball

We have a great time trying wheelchair basketball today.  It was pretty tricky but lots of fun!


5 Jul

Year 3 Visit Williamson Park

What an amazing day we have had at Williamson Park. First we visited the Butterfly House where we learnt all about different animals that thrive in a rainforest environment. It was very warm and humid! We were able to meet a tortoise, a turtle and a cockroach. As you can see from our faces we had…

2 Jul

Year 3- Ordering times

We had fun getting into time order. Some of us had am times and others pm. We found it wasn’t as easy as we first thought. 

18 Jun

Watercolour rainforest flowers

In science, Mrs Dowson has been teaching us all about plants and their lifecycles and in geography we are learning all about plants of the rainforest and how they survive.  Today we drew and painted some hibiscus flowers using watercolour pencils.  We really enjoyed mixing colours and seeing how…