It’s World Book Day!
We have enjoyed listening stories today. Thank you to Y3 for coming and reading to us. We love to see you.

A walk in the woods
We walked through Dorrington Wood to look for storybook characters. We were very excited to find “Where’s Wally ?” and “The very hungry caterpillar.”A big thank you to y3 who held our hands very tightly.

Look who has come to visit!
We have been using our kind and careful hands this week. Mrs Atkinson brought her Guinea Pigs to visit. We will feed them using our kind and gentle hands.

Happy Chinese Lunar New Year
We have made lots of decorations in the last week ready for our party. We know it is the year of the tiger this year and have used lots of mark making tools to make stripes on a giant tiger. We are going to celebrate with a party when all our friends are back in Nursery.

Super teddies
We are exploring different materials. We wanted to make our cuddly toys into superheroes. Each child had to feel the different materials and choose one to make a cape out of. We went up to the juniors and let our teddies fly.

Exploring outside areas
We are looking at different outside areas around school. This half term we are exploring the tree lined path. After Easter we will visit Dorrington Road woods and invite our parents to come along with us.

Happy New Year
Our story this week has been about 10 gingerbread men who disappear. We have counted from 10-0 and from 5-0.
Mrs Todd Bryce helped us to make our own gingerbread. It was very tasty.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar
This morning 3 ladies visited us from the Soroptomist International. They had made us a beautiful story sack full of things from the story. The children all sat and listened to the retelling and then got to play with the objects. We are looking forward to our next book, The enormous turnip. Thank…

Working together and taking turns.
Everyone loves the marble run. We are working together to build the track and share out the marbles. Look at how we are sat waiting for a turn.

Exploring using our senses!
This week we have been using our senses to explore. We smelled different scents with our noses. The Parmesan cheese was not very popular!
Today we have used our sense of touch to explore , using our feet. The children gathered toys from inside and outside. Ivy told us the sand felt smooth and…

Today we have looked in our Harvest chatterbox . We found a tractor and lots of different vegetables and fruit. We talked about some of the fruit being picked in hot countries. We found out that our bananas came from Costa Rica.