Life Education
Thank you to Steve, who came into Reception. He spoke to us about our bodies and how we can stay healthy. We also got a visit from Harold the giraffe.
Mystery visit fun!
On Monday we finally found out the mystery destination. We went to Happy mount park for a day of transport themed fun. We went on a coach and rode on the little train. We had a woodland treasure hunt to help the teddies find their lost transport. We finished the day with a picnic and a ride on…

Thank you
Thank you very much for the donation of the very large car mat today. The children all wanted to play on it and worked well negotiating the space with each other.

Going on a journey!
We are ready to welcome everyone back tomorrow. Our new topic is all about journeys and vehicles. We would love to hear about a journey you have been onl

After hearing the story of Jack and his beanstalk, the children were very keen to plant their own beans. We looked at different coloured beans and compared their sizes. The children are watering the beans and checking them daily.

Have a peek!
We have been very busy today setting up the new temporary Nursery classroom. We can’t wait to show you around after the half term break.

To the rescue!
After all of the teddies in Nursery went missing we decided to make hero capes and go and find them. We have developed our mark making skills and written our superhero name on the back. We have listened to and used lots of positional language to describe where they were found.

Chinese New Year
We have celebrated with our friends in Nursery. We have taken part in lots of craft activities and tried to eat Chinese food with chopsticks.

Playing outside
Outside we have different challenges and activities for the Nursery children. This week the children are strengthening their hand muscles. They are spraying the fires with water bottles. We are talking about amounts to five and looking at the numeral that represents each.

Today two fish have come to Nursery. We are going to look after them whilst their owners are on holiday. We have talked about the rules we will need to keep them safe, linking it with our kind hands board. Each day we will choose a child from the kind hands board to feed the fish.

Winter scenes
In Nursery we encourage all children to be creative. We provided a range of loose parts for children to create winter scenes after looking at paintings on our computer. We are using the pictures for our cards this year. No two cards will be the same.

Winter is here!
We are using all of our new skills including holding scissors in one hands to make a snowflake. This week in Nursery we have been talking about Winter. We already know that it gets cold in Winter and we need our hats and scarves.