Clay Monkey Art
Today in Art we looked at the work of Frida Kahlo, a Mexican painter who is famous for her self portraits. We found out a little about her life and learned how hard it had been.
We tried to find adjectives to describe her painting, Self-Portrait with Monkeys, before creating our own monkeys as…

In literacy, we are reading the book ‘The Way Home for Wolf’. It is a fabulous story and has inspired us to find out more about these beautiful creatures. We’re going to write our own information texts next!

Where is the best place to dry our washing?
We have been learning about evaporation. We wet different materials and hung them around the school to find out which location would dry them quicker. We had to weigh them before we hung them out and then again after to see how much water had evaporated from them. The materials that were put on…

Lest We Forget
As Year 6 have been focusing on learning about the events and understanding the impact of WW1 in History this Autumn Term, we have studied a selection of war poets alongside their poetry in our English learning also.
The children have learned verses from the poem, 'For the Fallen' by Laurence…
Tinfoil, Towers and Teamwork!
In Bounce Forward today, Year 6 learned all about how to work well as part of a team in order to solve problems. We considered what was important for when working alongside other people and realised that collaboration, compromise and a positive growth mindset were all vital in order for the team…
Remembrance Pointillism (Part 1)
After learning about Georges Seurat and his unique style of painting (Pointillism), we designed and starting painting our own pictures using techniques inspired by Seurat.
We decided that optical mixing was more effective on larger canvases with smaller dots of paint, as Seurat did, however, as…
Historical Enquiry - What can we tell about the Maya from their buildings?
We have started out new topic - The Magnificent Maya! Today we thought about what we already know about the Maya. We came up with lots of enquiry questions that we want to find out about during our topic.
As historians, we know we need to use evidence to find out about the past. We used…
Optical Mixing
Year 6 have been learning about the French, 19th Century artist, Georges Seurat and his neo-impressionist movement: Pointillism
When we found out how Seurat used tiny individual dots of paint to create his stunning paintings, we were impressed, yet when we learned how he only used the three…
Year 5 Musical Instrument Making
Today we made and evaluated our musical instruments to complete our DT topic.
We used our plans to create our instruments. We helped each other out and had lots of fun. Our instruments all made a sound and some of us even managed to create an instrument that we could change the pitch of, this…

Year 3 Science - Exploring what soil is made of
This afternoon, Year 3 were finding out what was in soil. We filled a bottle with a soil sample and water and shook it. We then made observations of what we could see. We will check again next week to see if it has changed.

Filtering experiment
In Y4, we have been carrying out an investigation to see what happens to different solids when they are mixed with water. We used salt, sugar, coffee, rice and baking powder. Some solids dissolved and made a ‘solution’. We tried to recover the original solid by filtering them. We had lots of fun…
Learning about Diwali
We learnt about celebrating Diwali and the story of Rama and Sita today.