18 Nov

Day and Night

Today in Science we have been finding out about day and night and how they occur. In pairs one of us was the Sun and the other the Earth. As Earth spun on its own axis we watched the Sun appear and day begin. England was warmed and lit by the Sun all day before night fell and it grew darker and…

17 Nov

Investigating Europe

Today we started our new topic in geography: Europe! We looked at the countries in each part of Europe (Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western) and tried to memorise some of their names and locations. Some, like Italy and Greece had very obvious shapes but others were much harder! We also learnt…

17 Nov

Fencing Club-pupil voice

The pupils asked for a fencing club, we listened !  
The children are really enjoying the club

16 Nov

French Fruit Games

We are learning the names of fruits in French and then we will learn how to describe the fruits and give our opinions of them.  Today we played a dice and counter game linked to fruits.  We had to speak in French all the time.  It wasn't easy but we had fun!


16 Nov

Let's have a heated debate!

In Year 5 we have been investigating persuasive writing.  We have read lots of examples and written our own persuasive leaflets.  Now we are preparing for a class debate.  Today we were given the topics for our debates:   

        It is wrong to spend billions of pounds on space…

15 Nov

We're all connected... iNetwork!

In Year 6, we have started our new Computing unit: iNetwork! In the first session, we learned how the term 'networked' means connected and thought of examples of networks from everyday life. We thought of electricity networks, the London Underground tube station, and devices connected to servers…

12 Nov

Step Up (& Back in Time)!

This morning, Year 6 had an absolute blast (to the past!) during their 'Turns & Tunes' session with Mikey and Jenny!

We learned a traditional country dance and a range of step dances which are all part of our Lancashire heritage. We enjoyed listened to Mikey play the fiddle and watching Jenny…

12 Nov

Fantasy objects

Today, we discussed objects in fantasy stories that have magical powers. We looked at lots of everyday objects and used our imaginations to decide how they could become magical. We came up with lots of amazing ideas.

12 Nov

Traditional dances in Lancashire

Today, we have been learning about our local heritage. Mikey and Jenny came in to school to talk to us about different traditional dances in Lancashire. We had a go at dancing the jig, the reel, the horn pipe, the waltz and marching. It was so much fun! 

12 Nov

Our Lancashire Heritage through music and dance.

We worked with Mikey and Jenny to learn about our Lancashire Heritage using music and dance. We danced the jig, the reel, the horn pipe, the waltz and the march. We had lots of fun. 

12 Nov

Lancashire Country Dancing Fun

Today we have been learning to dance to traditional Lancashire music played on a fiddle. 

12 Nov


Year 6 are so lucky to be working with our fabulous visitor to Scotforth, Naomi, every Thursday for the term! Naomi is an experienced Secondary School Art Teacher and was generous enough to offer to come into school to work with the children whilst they are doing their new art unit:…