Ripley Christmas Science Spectacular
Year 4 went to Ripley School to complete some Science experiments.
We had a fantastic time!

Life Education Visit Y1
We had a visit from the Life Education Van today. We found out about our wonderful bodies, keeping healthy and safe. We discussed feelings and helped Harold with a problem. We even had a visit from Harold too

Snow Day
We enjoyed the last bit of snow out on the playground today. We recorded the temperature at 2’C! Good job we wore our gloves.
Fun in the Snow
We really enjoyed playing in the snow especially when our older friends came out to play with us too.

Indoor Athletics Team
Well done to the indoor athletics team who competed on Friday night. We came second !! They all represented the school brilliantly and supported each other.
How's that Habitat?
In Science, we have been learning about plant and animal adaptations so they are better suited to live in their habitats. To start off, we matched and then learned as many facts as possible about a selection of habitats: grasslands, ocean, polar regions, arid deserts and rainforests. We worked in…

Active Mile
Well done to all our classes who completed their active miles this week and to everyone who walked to school rather than driving. Our miles have been logged! Well done EVERYONE

Clay tiles in the style of the Maya
Today in Art we have designed and started to make our own clay tiles in the style of the Maya Civilisation. We created 4 symbols to represent us as individuals and incorporated these into a clay tile. When they are dry we will paint them.

Tête, Épaules, Genoux et Pieds!
Bonjour, c'est la Sixienne Classe!
Do you like our French version of Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes? We've been all about the different body parts in our French lessons so what better song to choose than this?!