8 Dec

Investigating craters on the moon.

Today in Science we have planned and carried out our own investigations. 
Using balls as rocks we tested whether larger rocks created larger craters. 
Some of us chose to investigate whether the height the rock (ball) fell from changed the crater size. 

8 Dec

Investigating the Christmas Story

In RE we have been investigating the Christmas story.  We drew pictures of all the things and people we thought might have been at the first Christmas. We then investigated the Bible sources in the gospels of Matthew and Luke.

Can you work out which things from our list were mentioned in the…

8 Dec

Y2 Pizza Base Tasting

This week we explored pizzas.  Here we are taste testing different types of bread for the base of our pizzas.  We chose our favourite for our own pizza design.

7 Dec

Home Front Heroes!

In Year 6, we have watched the following links and discussed how WW1 affected life in Britain, in particular, via the Home Front. We then worked very heard to create webpages to display this information to help inform others! 


7 Dec

Year 4 French

Year 4 have been revising colour names in French. Do you like our pictures of un bonhomme de neige?

7 Dec

Year 4 RE

Year 4 have been learning about the festival of Hanukkah. We have drawn menorah candlesticks and have played the Dreidel game.

6 Dec

Having Fun With Cubes...

In maths we have been learning about different types of numbers - ask anyone in Year 5 if you fancy hearing the famous Prime Number Rap!  Today it was... cube numbers.

We had lots of fun making the different cube numbers out of multilink. 1x1x1 was quite easy (needing only 1 multilink!)…

6 Dec

Computing Links

With your parents, type in the URL of your favourite webpage and trace each 'hop' the data packet makes from router to router until it reaches the location of the webpage's webserver! Where in the world did the data packet travel from, through and to?!


Visual traceroute - Track and map the…

6 Dec

Developing our Gymnastic Sequences!

In Gymnastics, Year 6 have been working on developing counter balances and counter tension balances with partners and experimenting with making them more challenging. They have done this by incorporating the use of apparatus, changing/reducing the number of body parts being balanced upon and…

1 Dec

Advent has arrived

Children came into school this morning to find some changes as we enter the season of advent. Make sure you look at the display in the entrance corridor, which shows paintings of the nativity created by artists from all over the world. Can you find “Happy Christmas” written in any languages you…

1 Dec

Y2 Life Education Visit

Look who came to see us in class today!  It’s none other than Harold the Giraffe.  This year he talked to us all about our feelings and emotions.

1 Dec

Ripley Christmas Science Spectacular

Year 4 went to Ripley School to complete some Science experiments.

We had a fantastic time!